Conversation Between Divine and David

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks .
  2. [IMG]https://i963.photobucke*****m/albums/ae115/QuinnShelby/PV_SR_DF_L115A2_YK.png[/IMG]
  3. Clean PNG.
  4. PNG. PSD, or DTX?
  5. I dont even have tools to mod with, get me a PNG of the L115A2 and ill release something decent.
  6. jeez, you're gonna make me look like rookie.
  7. Haha im more into proper graphics now so maybe ill mod.
  8. please do.
  9. Ty, i might start modding again.
  10. [IMG]https://i963.photobucke*****m/albums/ae115/QuinnShelby/David1.jpg[/IMG]

    Good Idea? we can reelase more if it works.
  12. Sure get him to add me on MSN:
  13. No. My brother is on.
    Unless you wanna talk to him.
  14. WDF??? get back on MSN
  15. Go on msn now. Need to talk to you.
  16. GET ON MSN.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16