Conversation Between blacksaber and DeathHunter

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I know not a rule and I'm not saying about 3 injectors in 3 hours.
    I just told you.
  2. I do most times. It's not a rule, but when someone posts 3 injectors in 3 hours I'm not so inclined to link the "new thread" to the old ones.
  3. If you close a thread because he/she updated this application post the new thread.
  4. I don't even know if that was a complete sentence... I have no idea what you just said.
  5. When you close a thread becuase of update to the update thread link.
  6. Hahaha no big deal man.
  7. Nothing,just forgot it...
  8. What are you trying to say? You have working multi-hack to release?
  9. I got Multi Hack(the thread that you closed)
    If I got good memory it don't work.And no viruses in it.
  10. Well I just tried it and I coudln't believe my eyes that X-trap fucking patched it in 6 hours.

    Sorry but it's patched
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12