Conversation Between blacksaber and Ghost

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. nigga come back
  2. R.I.P

    hope you didnt rage quit
  3. oh shit...
  4. ah ok
  5. Exams and getting sick. The one day you decide to log back on i'm less active.

  6. why are you not as active as you use to be?
  7. Yup, RIP me.
  8. Last Activity: 1 Day Ago.
  9. Yeah i guess, thanks...
  10. looks like you need to find 2 new minions...
    gl and hope you find good people
  11. Post their name, a reason, and a link to the thread.
  12. scammers made a new account
    named tricks1
  13. ok,thanks dude
  14. Yeah pixi can code but he's coding for WR right now. I'll ask him but i wouldn't make a thread about it yet
  15. ok,inhuman said the minion pixel can code
  16. I don't know. I'll have to ask dave or arun since coders are paid...
  17. hey,can we make a thread for people to register as a cf coder?
    it would give us a little bigger chance of getting hacks and bringing the section back to life
  18. ok,i will
  19. Try to leave a message in the thread you delete when you delete it.
  20. Idk, he's on vacation right now. I didn't know that when i picked him, but he should be solid when he gets back.
  21. yes im on at the same time as you,wanted to ask you if you knew when scrcrw
    was coming back
  22. hahahaahahahahaha bansaber
  23. wb from you post ban
  24. congrats on mod dude
    that works
    we should upload it to mpgh
    coders might be able to do something with it
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 43
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