Conversation Between Melodia and Bluthera

15 Visitor Messages

  1. Seems someone likes to come look around every once in a While .

    ~Hai !
  2. Same to you Mel

    Don't worry, I've been having fun since I left
  3. Sad to Hear...

    Be Well~
  4. probably not =p, i never really had much fun here, sorry
  5. ~Plan coming back some day ?
  6. you too, Mel
  7. Meah~.
    Miss Yas.
  8. tell him to stop flaming everything possible, pl0x. I'd be fine. In fact, I barely flame(usually joke a bit) him. But if someone flames me, I have to teach them flaming won't get them anything good. I'm stubborn about that, sorry.
  9. Both yas and Koen, Make Love Not War <3
    Please ? x)
  10. Hehe, This makes a lot of posts, Dear ^.^
    More seriously, I am happy to see yas helping a lot of poeple around there =D
    Be Well,
  11. Grats on H4X0R Member.
  12. good morning high school is still closed
  13. well, go to your User CP and change the theme(colors) for your profile ^^. It'll look more colorful.
  14. Give me a hint how to do so then =P,
  15. change your profiles theme; it needs to look better
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15