Conversation Between Paradox and crex

15 Visitor Messages

  1. gratzi.
    Btw that means thanks in italian which i dont speak.
  2. ah i see. So i can first create a layer that looks uber smexy and then copy and paste it so the text looks uber smexy?
    Thanks. It's late now, i cant try but if i have problems tommorrow i know where to find u
  3. aw

    So for clipping mask:

    On the layers pallete you hold alt between 2 layers and click when a black and white circle comes up.

    Then the top one will have a arrow pointing down to it. The top layer will be "in" the layer bottom of it.
    Try it make a circle and paste a picture
  4. I mean where is the button?
    Like do i click Filter>Render>whatever or what?
    Like the directions to manuever to it.
  5. whats the tools button do u mean what to press?
  6. Where is the tool's button where i can click?
  7. clipping mask?
  8. Btw how do u do texture overlay on text?
  9. You download splatter brushes

    then you can use them in sorts of ways like clipping masks (mostly in smudge tags)
    If you dont know what that is google.
  10. How do u do a brush splatter with what tool?
  11. Im CA.
  12. Great. thanks for info what are you editing? im in CF
  13. U cant advertise in our wikis.
  14. So am i like a "temp" editor.
    Can i edit tutorials for crossfire and add links? (other peoples tuts)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15