Conversation Between whatup777 and Crash

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. How are you attaching StructBuilder?
  2. Give hint about finding enemy class?
  3. Did you know GTM made it to U C Wall of Shame?

  4. Sorry I go away.
  5. Wtf your back already?
  6. wuts.
    idk wut u takin bout
  7. bye bye.
  8. I need some help with Gordons Hook. I got it all fixed up but it instantly d/ced when whit used it.
  9. Why do you ask ?
  10. Hey are you available
  11. #define hkReset = HRESULT (WINAPI*) oReset
    #define hkEndScene = HRESULT (WINAPI*) oEndScene
    #define hkDrawIndexedPrimitive = HRESULT (WINAPI*) oDrawIndexedPrimitive
    #define hkSetStreamSource = HRESULT (WINAPI*) oSetStreamSource

    still says same error
  12. Your actual function the name of your function.
  13. I did this: #define hkReset = Reset
    but now it says type name is not allowed
  14. hkreset = your reset function
  15. I dont get it.....

    Im retarded

  16. That's supposed to be your function.
  17. why is hkreset undefined?
  18. You don't need the HS device pointer...
    It finds it for you.
  19. Im trying to use Gordon's D3D VMT Hook. Didnt you use it in your hack?
  20. I don't know o.O
  21. Whats current HackShield Device Pointer?

  22. It's a link.
    You can put it in your signature if you want.
  23. mspaint = ftw
    ^...,^ = ftl
  24. xD I made it in like 5 seconds
  25. Like that picture in your signature.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 28
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