Conversation Between heythere123 and Janitor

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. LOL this name again ?
    damn man
  2. heythere123
  3. what?
  4. Disapproved .
  5. Lil bit . Section is dead . Nothing to approve.
  6. thanksss enjoying your promotion as well?
  7. Gratttttttttts fucker
  8. Not ready yet
  9. now go get CF section as well
  10. Thanks nigga
  11. congrats on minion
  12. Well , I didn't really wanted you to get demoted , just wanted to bring some attention at CF section since it was in an obvious mess.
    Also you know I can't do anything about it , it's your evals.
  13. you got what you wanted hope your happy.
  14. Ah , well yea man I guess that's better for you.
  15. market place, still a minion man /shit
  16. You still have the minion tag but for what section ?
  17. Ahhhhhhh shit that demotion ....
  18. Approve my tool
  19. and why is that?
  20. #Worstminions2013
  21. woah did you just make me your junior?!
    ill be keeping my name for a while :P
  22. Ok your name is boring now.
  23. Ya
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 45
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