Conversation Between GodHack2 and scimmyboy

13 Visitor Messages

  1. are u going to show me or not.

    add me on msn
  2. hmm have you tried to hook without DIP ?
  3. uhm. are you going to show me or not
  4. well???????
  5. then i would be very surprised. and i would take back everything i said
  6. what if i told you that i can show you the tweaked hook ?(Gordon's Hook)
  7. theres no need to prove it. fake coders are fake. bad liars are bad. you know it as well as i dont use gordons hook. its impossible to get it to work anymore since HS scans the addresses written to the vTable. As a result, its not possible for you to use gordons hook. The disassembly shows u using a detour library, which most likely is msdetours.
  8. proof or GTFO man
  9. yup. i think its lol too. the disassembly is so obvious.
  10. all i can say is LOL
  11. the proof is right in your dll file.
  12. / show me a proof
  13. so apparently. i disassembled your hack...and it appears that you are using a detour library....possibly msdetours. stop lying that you are using gordons hook.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13