Conversation Between Wax. and Disturbed 24/7

10 Visitor Messages

  1. For real now your just being annoying stop messaging in my VMs..
  2. solution, i am not making shit for you. i dont care if u personally respect me or not. doing VM's are better than spamming like u want to do in my mod thread. whats more annoying: having to watch my mod thread and vms. seriously i dont c y u r being petty about vm-ing.
  3. Solution, make a mod that will impress me. Mention me in it. When you do that, I will respect you as a moder. Until then, stop commenting on my wall its rather annoying.
  4. "more professionally" equals better. i havent and wasnt even planning on reporting you at all. dont call my mods shit just cuz U think so. other ppl love them. i did take the comment but when u elaborated, u said things that were entirely false. and im not raging at all. good luck on having ME banned for UR problems.
  5. Never once did I state I was better, I said my mods were done more professionally. Your mods are shit. You can't report me for that as it is called feedback and criticism. Learn to take a comment on a mod when it is a offense one as a chance to make a new mod and show how good you really can mod. Instead you take them as OMG HE THINKS HE IS BETTER THEN ME RAGE@@@@@@ Learn MPGH, when you have done that. Log back in.
  6. oh yeah, get ME banned? for what?!? UR the one calling harassing me by calling my mods "shitty" and UR the one acting like ur so good and im shit compared to u. UR the one commenting on MY mod saying this. i simply replied and pointed out the faults in ur comment. then i posted a VM to avoid spam (unlike u who commented again anyways, after i said to continue this conversation via PM or VM.) ur not the best. im not perfect either, but at least i dont claim to be.
    if u dont like my mods, u dont have to comment or anything and u dont have to be rude and call them "shitty".
  7. Your mods suck just stop right there, and don't message on my wall no more. Or I will get you banned. Trust me.
  8. i dont give a damn where the pic is from or anything, okay? stop acting like ur so much better than me when ur not.
  9. Look at my post, I used a american eagle sign. However it was the same one you used. Search on google. American Eagle High definition logo.
  10. I didnt use the american eagle clothing sign for that mod. im tired of ppl like u that think ur the best and knows what everyone does in their mods. i didnt just overlay, add text and pic. look at my reply and see.
    sure the pics look similar, but the wingspan and spacing r different. and ofc the detail is obvious.
    edit: the pic i used (a blue brush image):
    american eagle's logo (no detailing stuff, just blue):
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10