Conversation Between Jack and flameswor10

8 Visitor Messages

  1. When ever you're not busy, leave a PM with your ID and Password.
  2. When do you wanna TV me?
  3. Currently, some anti virus's think my dll is a virus and blocks it lool
  4. It's your anti virus I'm pretty sure blocking my hack from starting up!!
  5. I thikn I may have found the problem!!
    Does the loader stay open when you start Combat Arms?
    If so, does it say (Unloading Hack files) or something similar?

    If so, that means that your computer/antivirus does not like my dll.
  6. I thikn I may have found the problem!!
    Does the loader stay open when you start Combat Arms?
    If so, does it say (Unloading Hack files) or something similar?

    If so, that means that your computer/antivirus does not like my dll.
  7. I can't tonight. I can probably do it tomorrow after I get home. Is 7pm okay?
  8. Hey, I would like to tv you to see what the problem is with the loader.
    Can you message me back with your details?!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8