Conversation Between Sinsation. and Nate

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Thats very fucking mature off you
    Neg rep me on Quinns mod? Call me an asshole and you dont like it when I come back to mpgh?
    Kid, grow the fuck up.
  2. I am 100%German, but I was born and raised in the good USA. And I was like 1/2 speaking 1337 with the "der". And I am learning German from my parents and the internets. Thanks for not being a dick.(srlsy)
  3. Hey, I'm not tryna be a dick or anything, but I am pretty sure you aren't German. If you were German you would know that screen shot, or SS as you said, is actually a neuter word (Bildschirmfoto) which means that instead of der it would be das. There are different ways to say "the" according to the grammatical build of the sentence.

  4. Im back, I geuss you are too.
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