Conversation Between Sinsation. and Hysteria

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Alu /hey
  2. GAH! :l W/e I'm obsessed with Cannibal Corpse at the moment anyways. I thought he didn't like Metallica o.o I was a raging cunt. But, eh. I've matured.
  3. Aluseu had Metallica all over his stuff as well You will always be Alu to me
  4. Well, they were wrong. Anyways, not much. Listening to music. (I was the person obsessed with Metallica, just sayin)
  5. Meh, I was told by a bunch of people that you're Aluseu hiding. Whatever, doesn't really matter to me. Anyways, what's up?
  6. You don't know a damn thing. Aluseu is Alex. I am Robert. Robert Starr. SGTSTARR .-. I've tried to change and hide myself before. But I am not again.
  7. Dude, we KNOW you're Aluseu lmao
  8. Uhh? No, this is Sgt. Not Aluseu. People really thought I was Aluseu? Gahh O_O
  9. Yeah I know, but everyone knew SgtStar was Aluseu.
  10. Nuh.. No, it's me. Sgt. o_o
  11. Wait.... so, this is Aluseu?
  12. It's SgtStarr, all grown up o.e
  13. ...who are you? o-o and yes I am back.
  14. Woah, your back?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14