Conversation Between Shadeyz346 and Obscene

63 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fine :J .
  2. are we cool now?
  3. Oh right , removed + making a sig

    Thanks for reminding.
  4. if you dont like me, why u have my quote?
  5. I don't give a shit, you aint gonna fix this anyhow .
  6. Lol Ur so immature.

    i was kidding.
  7. Nice backstabbing.

    I don't really give a shit about you , .
  8. gunna cry?
  9. Don't fuck with me in polls about me next time.

    I almost got CS cause of that poll.
  10. pms much?

    i was kidding.
  11. You seem mad, ******.
  12. fag .
  13. That's for backstabbing me and voting against me in that vote.
  14. fag
  15. Although reported
  16. thanks bro.
  17. nice spam in introduction section
  18. Mhm , i'm about to reach 2.5k , So yeah .
  19. thanks bro, u to.

    havent talked to you in a while.
  20. Gratz for new name change bro , old one was better tho .
  21. Grats ****** .
  22. DO NOT CARE , i can get it back on - legit -.
  23. u lost your second bar
  24. we almost got banned
  25. i was afk .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 63
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