Conversation Between waseem and WanQuiSheR

19 Visitor Messages

  1. ucan tell.,, and u know that im not scammer.. yes u know that..........
    u just dont like me and me 2.
  2. your chunga? huh?
    its mine i told u ...u never spend zp in cf how chunga ur ?
  3. lol?what do u want? did i ask u somthink or told u somthink?
    wtf do u want
  4. to late i guess? im not playing crossfire again since i dont have any good account and my main account is getting served a perm. bann so idk ?
  5. hhahaha noob u deleted my visitor msges ..
    i have all profs this its mine..
    all trans id and all all..
    gtfo . u can fuck off.
  7. what do u want tell me .?
    i dont give somthink for free.
    please man . leave me alone . i wont give u
  8. wow nice u logged off msn and u didnt answer my question ... yeah u really are a good person i wish something bad would hapenn to u!
  9. hey log in ...
  10. are u logging in im gonna login now ..
  11. lol nty.....
  12. come to msn and give me chunga ok ? ty
  13. u gone offline ...
  14. waseem log in to msn!! plz so we can talk !
  15. dude can u give me ranger? i work with hoang and he said he knows u... u know the story ... so plz? i really want it good rank jsut this account thank you very much !
  16. ur msn?....
  17. yo dude can u give me __[R]aNger* plz? its got a epic rank but shit guns
  18. sup?.......
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19