Conversation Between Son and jennajones

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. [IMG]https://i205.photobucke*****m/albums/bb57/879786/cooltext469225681MouseOver.png[/IMG]
  2. I got an idea. I'll make it in a few minutes and I'll post here.
  3. so wut you come up with??
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .
  7. idk, im not good of thinking of stuff though. and its your usertitle not mine.
  8. well i already thought of one, so you have to.
  9. wut do you want yours to say?
  10. <333
  11. Back.
  12. Wheres my daughter?
  13. ahaha mmmkay. one second
  14. ****** ****** ******.
    Link my Ass to Liz.
    Too lazy -.-
  15. Gimmie the link
    then I'll use it :3
  16. I've made up my mind. You gotta change it to that.

    I'ma sleep now, I'll be on later.
  17. Resized it. its only 33 pixels tall now instead of like 55

  18. Resize
  19. ahaha, ima change my name to that next namechange i get
  20. Rofl
    Every time I ex out it signs out on mobile
    but I just enabled background so now it stops
  21. why you keep signing off?
  22. Lol
    I've already screenshotted that shit
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 37
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