Conversation Between Auxilium and master131

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yuck, I don't even want to look in the Programming section anymore.

    And yes, I'm still kickin'.
  2. The thing about GH is cool I guess.

    Looking at the programming section now, it's completely different from back in 09 and 10 when we were all there. Nextgen, void, hell demon, bruno, melodia, Jason etc.
    Everybody's gone and doing their own thing, but still, Good times

    I barely come back here, usually months apart, and I usually stay for no longer than a week, but oh well.
    Good to see you're still doing fine
  3. Dave only gave me GH so I could still see staff sections but have no moderation powers. I stepped down in July last year. And yes, still doing .NET. Been more interested in Windows internals and undocumented stuff.
  4. YOOOOOOOOOO TOMMY. Long time no see.
    I see you are GH now. when did MPGH add that back, lol? When'd you step down from GM?
    Still doing .NET?
    I've just been doing C and asm for the past 2 years essentially.
  5. Since when did GH come back?

    Love ya tommy
  6. C#, das eet. Also, working on private/internal projects.
  7. fite me irl m8.

    Hey tommy, what have you been working on lately? I haven't touched NASM in a while and I'm pretty sad about it. Luckily now that it's summer vacation for me I have plenty of time to get dirty with NASM

    what about you?
  8. Pretty much same for me. I use Windows 7 on my main and XP on my secondary PC. Though also on my secondary I've used Ubuntu, FreeBSD, and some others. On my 3rd computer I use windows 98 and MS-DOS.
  9. I've never installed an OS other than Windows.
  10. Makes no sense because something like Ubuntu takes 1 CD, will get the rest from the internet and you have pretty much everything you need.
    Damn CentOS is like "huehue with 1 CD you can install the extremely base system huehue"
    Pretty sure CentOS doesn't download from the internet.

    Linux man, Linux.
  11. .
  12. CentOS is a ******. Requiring 8 CDs or 2 DVDs for an installation /fp

  13. Might be a DNS issue.
  14. ******nets
  15. Doesn't load for me.
  16. huehue, to each man his own
  17. Really misleading when you just make a face
  18. I'm turning 16 next month... I'm not 12.
  19. So that's why you are too afraid to show yourself
    I remember when I was 12, you should have seen the posts I made
    Oh 4 years ago.
  20. So 3 years later you are 12?
  21. I don't know, I came up with it when I was like 9.
  22. what does your name mean
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 32
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