Conversation Between freedompeace and OBrozz

9 Visitor Messages

  1. FPSProject V0.08 New Menu GUI image - Indie DB
    I meant to post this

    - OBrozz,Zane
  2. Hey i was wondering if you could help with something? I remember from awhile ago that you were very experienced in C# programming. Well I'm working on "Menu" and ideas and maybe you could help? Check out what im working on here:
    FPSProject V0.08 New MP Map image - Indie DB
  3. No, i will PM you!
  4. Is it your own website?
  5. Hey i was wondering if you could help me with something. It has to do with website visits? Do you know of a way to mass visit a website? This is really really important to me. Thanks
    ~ OBrozz, Zane
  6. Nope; no pictures yet D:
  7. With my shitty computer download(excuse my french) it would take me like 24 hours to download it hahahhahahaha. How can you possibly shove that much crap into a hack. hahha. Im guessing your animations and pictures dont size down well.
  8. Yeah I am

    I develop the UI last, so there aren't any screenshots at the moment; sorry

    I can tell you that my source code directory for that single project is more than 4.5G now
  9. So your making something related to CA hacking? Could i see some pictures, im very interested in your upcoming project.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9