Conversation Between iDoge and wowmanwow

8 Visitor Messages

  1. oh lol,yea i have been in those partys!
  2. you dont know
    pretty much is a party of 100+ people drinks and lots of girls
    and they play just dubstep to dance
  3. what are "raves"?
  4. cool xD
    do you go to raves and what not?
  5. i like:
    Dubstep Mixes(u know 1-2 hours)
    Electro House Mixes!
  6. awesome what else do you listen to?
    i like dubstep, post hard core, hardcore, classic rock and lot more lol
  7. alot ;D
  8. hey i se u like skrillex xD sweet lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8