Conversation Between Thaz and Ravallo

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Nevermind, I could find a cheaper price, sorry
  2. That's too little I'm afraid, bought for atleast €1/M
  3. only have 50 cents, how about 50 cents for a mil?
  4. You could purchase some off me if you'd like, only if you're offering a good rate though, bought half of it for a fairly high price at the time.
    If you're looking for around 100M I'd rather sell the account with it though, else I might not be able to get rid of that anymore

    Will get back to you tomorrow, off to bed now (2 AM)
  5. You know where I could buy some runescape gold?
    Can't seem to find a thread in the market place
  6. Here you go, let me know if you want me to edit anything!

  7. Thanks, and I don't mind
  8. Yes that would work out, might have to reduce the font size a bit.
    Will VM you when it's done
  9. I thought the limit was 9?
    But just do MINE NERD can you do 8?
  10. Regarding the usertitle, please shorten the text.
    7 Characters at max
  11. Alright posted
  12. Sure, just give me some more details, please fill out this form:
  13. Can you make me a Mine then Craft usertitle?
  14. It looks better, but can you make one without the swirl, so I can see which is better?
  15. I don't know if you like this better

  16. both, none and swirl
  17. And with the Swirl then?
  18. mmk, try a heart?
  19. I have no idea what kind of icon would be suitable either I'm afraid
  20. It refers the "Any One"
    My new name was gonna be "Eny"
  21. What does 'Eny One' mean/stand for in the first place?
  22. I really don't like the picture on the usertitle, can you change it to anything you would think fit in it?
  23. Thank you
  24. Regarding this

    Didn't see how you wanted to use a black icon on a background (unless you wanted to keep the square background), so I decided to turn that white instead.
    Let me know if this is what you meant.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 42
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