Conversation Between poeh and mykybo

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, I managed to get my C# aimbot working, I have last question if you dont mind :3
    Could you tell me how to do or show me your mouse sensitivity correction?
  2. Hi, its me from mpgh, can you add me on skype please: Mykybo
    I solved a few problems, but now the aimbot works perfectly on 1300xXXX and lower resolution, but on any higher it works second then aims to ground or sky or behind me randomly.. have no idea why ;c
  3. Ask questions if you have any.
    Hope it helps
  4. DrawSquare( LocationOnWindow.x-1, LocationOnWindow.y-1, 2, 2,D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,200,50), p_dx_Device);//draw little square on closest enemy

    aim_delta.x = getDifference(LocationOnWindow.x); // get pixels between center of window and enemylocation_on_window.x
    aim_delta.y = getDifference(LocationOnWindow.y);// get pixels between center of window and enemylocation_on_window.y

    aim_mouse_move.x = aim_delta.x * ...;//apply sensitivity to your likening
    aim_mouse_move.y = aim_delta.y * ...;//apply sensitivity to your likening

    ClientToScreen(bo_hWnd, &aim_mouse_move); // apply client to screen to convert cursorlocation_on_window to cursorlocation_on_screen (not necessesary if fullscreen)

    aim_zoomFactor = fov;//correct fov

    // If aimbone do here

    if ((GetKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) & 0x80) != 0)
    SetCursorPos(aim_mouse_move.x, aim_mouse_move.y);//set the cursor pos
  5. My code is c++ i hope you understand it:
    (this is not a full code so copy&pasting wont work)

    AimOnClosest enemy
    getClosestEnemy();// get the closest enemy

    myInfo = readInfo(myClientnum);// read your player info
    enemyInfo = readInfo(closestEnemy);// read closest enemy info

    if (closestEnemy != myClientnum){// if closest enemy is not you (this check should not be needed, because getClosestEnemy() filters you out)
    myPosition = getEntityPos(myClientnum);// get your position
    enemyPosition = getEntityPos(closestEnemy);// get closest enemy position

    GetLocationOnWindow(myClientnum, closestEnemy);// Convert the 3d world to a 2d overlay and get the center of enemy

    if (LocationOnWindow.x > window_width/4*1 && LocationOnWindow.x < window_width/4*3 && LocationOnWindow.y > window_height/4*1 && LocationOnWindow.y < window_height/4*3){// check if closest enemy isn't to far from the center of the screen
  6. Could I see your aimbot maths please? I am stuck on mine, it works on second, another one it aims randomly then works again.. ;c
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6