Conversation Between Departure and AVGN

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I am not sure about your question, I am just guessing if you don't update CA it will have issues communicating with the server because I would assume the protocol has change alot since 2008. Also I need to talk to you about something..
  2. I've notice when using your loader that it skips the version checking.. does this mean you could not ever update CA and keep on hacking?

    Furthermore, could you install the original 2008 CA and run the game like that? (ofc it would have to be loader only without the hack)
  3. Hey man what do you suggest for posting the same hack without Voices, Just beeps as many people seem to have problems with this in XP, The original post can'nt be modify to include this, And I dont really want to post something if it does'nt work on XP, So we need a test rat to see if it works... do you have any suggestions?
  4. Thanks for the hack!

    I got a screen shot for you this time.

    But not all minions are as cool as me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4