Conversation Between JustSayOmg and Ravallo

8 Visitor Messages

  1. k heres my email =P xD
  2. Didn't receive an invite though, please send me your full email address so I can add you
  3. Ravalo i added u on msn =P my name is pedro ... xD
  4. Yes sure, available for the rest of the day
  5. ravalo can ya do the trade? =P the guy who wants to trade with me is tired of asking for mm XD! reply
  6. K we do this tomorrow ^^ no bigy xD
  7. I am not sleeping yet, in fact I am already doing a trade (perhaps one after that one already, have been contacted but no response yet)

    Any chance we can do this trade tomorrow instead?
  8. ravalo man ! me and my buddie are looking for a MM P i added u on msn but i think u didnt accept xD this trade
    tell me u arent sleeping =P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8