Conversation Between Boss and crex

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Just re open my thread because no one has had the intelligence to solve it properly
  2. First thread, if you mean the one Love posted, he didn't even help. Useless posts count as spam.
    And the second thread is solved. Love asked for help with this error and the other replies told Love to delete his Meta-INF folder and install Mod Loader.
  3. Then explain why my previous post in this thread was delted
    Also re open this thread because it still hasn't been solved
  4. No I don't. I only delete the ones that don't help and just cause flame.
  5. Where do I keep flaming
    You edit and delete all of my posts
    Just fucking stop it
  6. Well you keep flaming.
    Why can't you just stop posting?
  7. oh u want in engrish?
    y u no leave my post alone?
  8. Correct english please?
  9. Holy shit. Leave my fucking posts alone
  10. Just if you wanted to keep looking like you're unbiased you might want to delete those posts

    Just saying
  11. B y e
  12. I leave it so you can see it.
    Since your not minion, you can't view posts that are deleted.
  13. Yet you don't delete your posts
  14. I told you. For being offtopic. The thread is to inform them they got the position, and for good lucks and congratulations ONLY.

  15. Deleting my posts
  16. Reason for what?
    Herp Derp.
  17. Can you give me a straight up reason or do I have to ask another member of staff
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18