Conversation Between EminemJr and FUKO

96 Visitor Messages

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  1. I mean FUKO ... idk why i said moto
  2. Moto .
  3. yeah same here and pretty good.... without my gaming pc i cant play pb and Im not as active on mpgh anymore.
  4. Yeah, haven't been on in a while, whatsup?
  5. sup broski... we dont talk no more.... your were like the first person who talked to me when i rejoined mpgh
  6. Lol re add me in pb. And don't tell these other people your pb ign name and we both knew you would minion again.
  7. .
  8. derp, you should know that already and ok.
  9. Guess that means I'm cool xD
    I'll be back, trust me.
  10. ever since i left. it like everybody is getting minion . all the cool minion are starting to retire.
  11. Sucks I guess
  12. oh ok. ever since i got points i barely play.
  13. Yeah, everyone now and then. Mainly been focusing on finishing THIS.
  14. yeah i know :P. you still play pb?
  15. FS is former staff, and no I'm not quitting MPGH.
  16. what is fs? and you quiting mpgh?
  17. wha happend? no minion for you?
  18. it almost done btw
  19. Lol my fault... My brain will be hinking next time.
  20. Doesn't mean make a retarded thread like that...when you make your videos, you should save them as WMV, it'll cut the size down to like 50MB.
  21. i am about to post a little youtube video I MADE, for some reason it was 1 Gigabtye so it taking a while. I thought it was going to come fast....
  22. Dunno....
  23. why we dont chat anymore?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 96
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