Conversation Between OniKon and grey489177

2 Visitor Messages

  1. dont need special skills to do this, just use autoit or autohotkey and mousclick the console, send the commands send enter mousclick back to screen, would take about 30 seconds to make and about 4 seconds to add new commands....easy
  2. Ok since other console makers have not responded...

    I have a request (a very good one that would be very good for the community and a great addition to your next build)
    This is just an idea but if you are smart enough too then please try.
    -the new update (7/27) has disabled binding (for as far as i know for most binds)
    -It would be a great idea to make a console that can bind (to the console itself and not the game)
    -as in a special console that you can program binds so when you push a assigned button, it will type it into the console.

    I wish I was smart enough to make/code dll's and all that but i'm not that good yet D:
    think you can do it? what do you say?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2