Conversation Between Blake and Hunter

20 Visitor Messages

  1. Just edited the prefix of the thread and thanks!
  2. Good. What you been up too and gratz on minion.

    Also why qas my thread edited?
  3. Hi, how have you been?
  4. xD .
  5. lmfao no. I'm just pissing him off. Sad part is, he knows his first language isn't English. So it shouldn't bother him but it does. lol

    Who the fuck cares , I mean really. It's MPGH not a fucking English essay.

  6. #Blake4EnglishTeacher2k15 ayyy
  7. .
  8. It seems you're an official nigga again. Gratz.
  9. Shit man. :/
  10. I'm back so if you can come to skype..
  11. Mind getting on skype m8?
  12. Nice img title.
  13. Dude don't forget I've the CS tag as well.. Just ask reaver to stfu after all he's nothing more than a retard.
  14. Sent you an add request.
  15. Hey Blake.. I got 7 hendo eggs, 5 hendo eyes, 2 crown luentia, 5 hendo horns, 10 hendo leggs and 2 pride of the king. If you're interested please let me know.
  16. And yes he keylogged me and pretended don't know nothing about it, you call that a honest guy? Not trying to be rude doe.
  17. Thanks for your honesty.
  18. I'd believe riddick over you any day. I know who he is, I know what type of MAN he is,NOT a boy. Not a liar, an honest man.
  19. Blake ignore him, he's just an idiot that is affected by emotions all time, that's why he keylogged me, i'll do a staff dispute about it later. He's still buthurt with me because of a troll i made him months ago, horror infracted him with a valid reason he started to flame him, so you see how he is...
  20. Just trying to get MPGH trust back and trying to redeem myself.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20