Conversation Between Less Than Three and Jon

19 Visitor Messages

  1. RIP Nigga <3
  2. supppppp man?
  3. yupppp... hopefully one day tho
  4. Ahhh. Those two...
  5. [MPGH]Ravallo, [MPGH]Dakota are there
  6. Who's there right now.
  7. when a nigga resigns or gets kicked /
  8. When is that anyways
  9. gracias but when the time comes young one
    but you got me right
  10. Jon for RS minion.
  11. haha yup i want that minion soo bad wshen theres a spot available.
  12. Lol, ahhh. So that's where you been all this timeee. I been wondering.
  13. been postin alot on the rs section
  14. I miss you too
  15. Central.
    I'm getting it in two posts Ill tag you cause I you.
  16. What time zone you be in? And you better mention me in your ban
  17. You better
  18. I noe ima mention you in it cause i love you
  19. Nigga you almost at 1337
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19