Conversation Between Janitor and Vehrdyn

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. I will support my brotha
  2. When I finish school, exactly after 52 days.
    I hope i will get my position back , CF section is in a mess.
  3. If Liz need minion come appllyy
  4. 52 days bruh . 52 days.
  5. Get minion back bruh.
  6. What happen ? :O
  7. So much spam thread
  8. Stahp mass deleting threads without giving a reason.
  9. I'm on MSN .
  10. MSN ~ Come ~
  11. Sorry i forgot your name , and a lot of others.
  12. Sometimes ?
  13. Saw that bug ?
    Attachments were downloadable tho they are fine.
  14. Never mind. Nothing.
  15. You needed something ? I'm online now .
  16. I'm online now
  17. Bazooka on your MSN
  18. Okay
  19. Lobby songs , crosshairs etc.. Belongs to Modding so move them there.
  20. Stuff that you see useless , just delete it .
  21. You help delete it.
  22. Why you always close stuff that needs to be deleted ?
  23. I got error when injecting. You may try it first before the file got approved.
  24. Does it work for Blackshot ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 74
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