Conversation Between BanHammer and heroji

16 Visitor Messages

  1. nope , it worked for a few seconds but when i tryed to join with the 2nd client it got freezed at 90% loading of the room joining and then dc
  2. i think i found another intersting thing..get on yahoo
  3. well...u was damn close..think u can code a multi client for eu ?
  4. fuck it
  5. no dude i tried it but its only visual you cant play.
  6. have u fixed that dc ?
  7. just reply dude its not hard
  8. have u fixed that disconnect ?
  9. Im online at yahoo mes.
  10. i have yahoo mess
  11. i use it , i click end , go in cf nothing happens , the hack tool detected message is still there , and i have to tell you something very intersting give me ur msn , its about ur multi client i made a huge discover !
  12. Use hack tool remuver
  13. man how to make it dont give hack tool has been detected ?!
  14. so are u able to do a cf eu private multi client ?
  15. bro could you do me a private cf eu dual client ? not a pub release something that only i can own so it wont get patched , ill pay u 5$ for it and when i get more ill pay u 5$ more
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16