Conversation Between Ravallo and Pod11

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Ravallo <3 Be meh Middleman? Me wants to buy 1lt 4 from guy for MONEH!
  2. Hello .
  3. Hai Ravallo! <3
  4. Ok, Thanks.. I might just do it with this guy (He Goes First) But it depends when the paysafe cards come (SomeTime between 6-8pm tonight) If it pretty late then i will just wait the extra time and do the trade with you.. If not then he can go first, and ill go after
  5. I'm on msn already, might have deleted you in the past so if you can VM me your email I'll re-add you.
    Not available right now, but I will in about 4 hours (when I'm back from work).
  6. Ravallo? Could you come onto Msn please bro Wanted to know if you could middleman for me in a couple of hours? Talk on MSN if you could
  7. That's just a small problem

    Regarding the PM, please post it in the Scammer Grave ...
  8. Ravallo i am afraid i love you
  9. Yes it is truly me, we're on msn now.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9