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who needs that autist when i have ship girls
asuna best girl
your gay suck your dads dick
As funny as it is, they cant be ******s without being newphags. its phaggy101.
What's the point of stunting the growth of general? There wasn't a time where it was not occupied with ******s, so changing it is rendered useless.
And why's that, scooter?
Hey scotia *psst*
You need to watch this shit
fag, way to leave when i return
Convert others baka
Whatever more for us we could always convert
2 weeks till spring break freejov2k15
nah /a/ cause im not a ******
I love 4chan
Kill yourself. I enjoyed the links though.
new huniepop udate i love valentines day
Eh ended up buying the bundle minus hateful boyfriend fuck pigeons
Is that bundle worth? idk any of the games and i love when your big hard comments take up all of my juicy page
It's funny because you think you're getting anything from my. Scum.
[IMG] [IMG] It's funny cause you think im kidding. insult Kongou and you insult me, ******. fuck off.
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the greatest
Keeper of Porra