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    Obama can't ban people. /fp
  2. you can buy NX with a cc without payapl dur dur
  3. nawwwwwwwwwwww
  4. LOL, really is that ur email? You trolling me?
  5. Oh? Pretty neat stuff for the parents if the kid finds out the id/pw. lul.
  6. Eh, parents don't trust me with that stuff (ID/PW).
    Last time, I was capped (Telstra), and I changed our plan online to one that cost like $200+ since I couldn't be bothered waiting for movies/animes to load up -_-.
  7. Ugh, I need to ask my parents? lul.
    I cbs though, maybe later. I got connected to Optus quite a while ago, when they had one of those new plans or the ones on sale/special? I forgot.
  8. Yeah, I'm with Optus as well.
  9. Aiight, that's ok
    'Cause I can play when I'm capped, it runs at about 20kbps-30kbps. I'm uncapped tomorrow as well.
  10. Post it on my mainXD
  11. Yup Give me your msn
  12. Fine you do snipers/smgs
    And I'll do the others
    Send them to me b4 you post it
  13. SMG and shotties
  14. I guess that's alright. Do you know what my msn is?
    add me,
  15. That's what I meant by too low of a price, 20K EXP takes ages. I play about 8-10hours a day getting that. I rejected more than half the people who wanted me to level their accounts on weekends, only did it when I had nothing to do. And by the way, the weekdays price is $7.00, but $5.25 with your 25% exp boost. None of those guys negotiated like you do because the price is already so low -_-... I'm sacrificing my whole weekends for $3.50, no thanks, only doing that on school weekends.
  16. Eh really? Thats way too low of a price for 20k EXP.
    I'll probably be levelling my on account on weekends, chances are there's another 50% exp boost on saturday/sunday.
  17. View Conversation
    anywheres dont change the subject, dont like me dont post in my vm
    i am sure i wont
  18. View Conversation
    lol i am idiot so what he was against the rules accidently and u spread around the site
  19. View Conversation
    when did i say it was against the rules? i was asking to remove it?
    when did i bump or spam?
  20. View Conversation
    LOL u bloody go post on someone elses page and they get banned?
    is that what u did to my friend "billybobjob123"
    eh? and u did mean -1 post
  21. View Conversation
    yes u fking can AVGN did to me once u noob
  22. Hmm, sure. $5.25 USD.
    We'll talk tomorrow in the morning, my msn is
  23. Eh well, it might take 1 or 2 days longer than the actual time now that it's holidays. I won't be on for the rest of today because of maint, and maybe only half of tomorrow.

    How much EXP did you want?
  24. meh, I stopped after making about $20 cause I bought an M4 Super 90 perm x.x... sorry, not doing that anymore.
  25. Yes, why?
Showing Visitor Messages 2501 to 2525 of 2793
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