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you're cool dude
you should make a come back to vindictus cause i sure do miss your work
Pretty good, seems more marketplace focused these days, but it's good afaik.
Hello! Well enough, how have you been?
vindictus actually looks fun, wish I knew about it long time ago, reminds me of god of war
Do you use Skype?
How's life going?
Why hello there Nico
Just saw your thread. Ayyy, welcome back!
How have you been?
nicooo, how have u been
I see you lurkin
Oh the irony!
Maybe you need to open up to me a bit more nicdel
I didn't even...what?! I just saw you lurking at my profile nico bellic :c .
Somebody seems to have sparked back to life :F .
Kk .
What are you talking about? I was never a minion Nico. xD
Nico. How have you been?
Yeah, here and there. Busy with school. Will be going to university next year. How are things going.
You still kickin?
Keeper of Porra
Advanced Member
I need about tree fiddy
the greatest