Below is the steps how to simulate console in cheat engine ():
[][*]Run Dota 2 game[*]Wait until your in lobby[*]Run cheat engine[*]Select Dota 2 process[*]Click memory view in cheat engine[*]Go to view [*]Click refrenced string [*]Search for command = dota_select_hero[*]If you found it click on it memory view it[*]In memory view window click address that have command string dota_select_hero …[*]Debug the address [*]Enter match game[*]Select any hero [*]The game will freeze [*]Go back to cheat engine inside memory view[*]Click debug in the top [*]Click step into [*]Keep click step into until you find in memory view the opcode = call …[*]After click step into when you reach call that is opcode
  1. It will move you to the engine.dll+4…
  2. That in memory view
  3. Copy the address engine.dll+…
  4. In memory view window
  5. Click tools >> auto assemble
  6. In auto assemble window click template
  7. Click cheat table framework code
  8. click file then click assign to current cheat table
  9. This should create a new memory record on the cheat table address list.
Now code that in address list >> auto assemble…. Click on it you will see
//// --------------------  Main Section  ---------------------

//// --------------------  Enable Section  ---------------------

//// --------------------  Disable Section  --------------------
Below [ENABLE] type:
Push 0046655
Push 00 
Call engine.dl+3445

You will need to replace that address that in push 0046655 to your address that you have added

And replace the engine.dll+3445 to your address that you have copy it

Next add address manuly >>>> add any address and type should be string

Click on the address that you created type it should be string type type: dota_select_hero npc_dota_hero_techies

You can change any string you want like exec config.cfg

Don’t forget to resume the game from cheat engine >> debug >> run..
Then you can use this in c++
