That's my personal Origin account.
It has BF3 Premium[181 dog tags, Rank 51, 1.29 K/D, 386hours have played, 52/75 assignments, all 6 co-op missions, Multiplayer score(13,391,862)
BF4(Rank 17,0.9 K/D, Skill 97, Kills: 593, Score, 450K)
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (not sure what rank, but 100% higher then veteran lel)
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Crysis 3 Hunter Edition(20 hours played)
Dead Space
Dead Space 3
Mass Effect 3 N7 Digital Deluxe Edition

Accepting only PayPal or Amazon accounts.

Contact your details how to contact you, or through PM.

Thank you! Will use OMM or you go first.