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  1. #1
    Ravime's Avatar
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    Quick Champion Explanation, Skill sequence/play style

    Okay so there are a few heros i'm thinking about getting but before i get them i wanna make sure which ones i want by finding out how you should best play each one a few that i will be listing i already have just wanna make sure i'm using them right okay well i wanna know if there are any skill combo's/ sequences for each hero and there play style how they are suppose to play i will give a example (Example: nasus farms monsters till late game by staying in the middle of his own minions or farming at his own turret) so yeah and what skills i should focus on etc.

    Please and thank you

    Akali: i know little to nothing about her just know shes suppose to be one of/the best assassin

    Ryze: i just use him and atm he is my second favorite and the hero i get the most kills with i usually use him to team(mainly because his stun) and go almost full Ap with him i can usually do good damage Early-mid and sometimes late game with his first skill

    Tristana: honestly i don't like the characters looks but "It" has the best range of any champ in the late game

    Caitlyn: has good range and just curious about her

    Pantheon: don't know much but he seems to be a good assassin/fighter i think i might be able to use him but not sure

    Vladimir: i recently bought him and i like him cool skills hate the Hp drain on them tho but eh but i find him to be kinda weak and a little too squishy...

    Malzahar: just really like him and was reading a guide that was explaining his skills i like his passive and he's suppose to be Pretty good in team and supposably able to kill Carries and Tanks even if built right from what i've seen/read plus his powers are of the void and shit thats just awesome plus he and all his skins look cool :P

    Twisted Fate: My favorite champion he's just awesome First skill has longest non-Ult Range in game He's good at kiteing/Farming minions mid-late game/Ganking/Chasing down kills with his range and speed also if you have a few good items you should be able to kill champs easily if they are low on hp/ i wouldn't call it support but he's good at relieveing allies of Enemy Pressure by stunning,slowing, and taking out fair chunks of their hp i usually try to sit back farm minions harrase enemy's and gank when possible or if i think it's worth it or i can get away with it chase down enemy champs

    Fiddlesticks: i like him i've seen him used good but i just can't seem to use him right i love his Hp-Drain ability but enemy's always either get outta range or i get targeted and teamed like crazy.. and pretty much feed them :/ also can you use his Crow and Drain at the same time?

    Wukong: i know he has great escape abilities He looks cool along with cool skins he seems like he lacks well Viable skills or Useful skills.. like his Ult i read he gets raped if you don't use it right how do you use it right? idk everytime i've fought him he didn't seem great just good at hitting and running with burst damage but i do think he's cool

    Zac: okay everytime i've seen someone use him they almost always have few to no deaths and over 16 kills is it the Champion or the players or what?? and Just how do i play him?

    Again please and thank you guys for all the help i'm still pretty nubby :P
    Last edited by Ravime; 09-20-2013 at 12:26 PM.
    I GFX but Haven't in a long time don't like doing it on a laptop

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  2. #2
    Terror In Paradise's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    When people call champions, heros, I cry inside.
    Akali has huge burst damage after 6 and late game can carry. Basically all you do with akali is q>r (to gap close)> aa (auto attack for the q proc)>e>spam q, e and aa>r when they flash or start to get away>w when you need to get away. Basically you just spam the shit out of akali's abilities and get a penta.
    Ryze: Shit nerf too op.
    Tristana: Trist is very good early and late game but from levels 8-13 she's really shit.
    Caitlyn: Caitlyn is so fucking op she can aa you under your tower and be out of range. Fucking buy her and main her and shit on people's faces.
    cbf finishing the rest.
    Last edited by Terror In Paradise; 09-21-2013 at 05:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Resolude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravime View Post
    Okay so there are a few heros i'm thinking about getting but before i get them i wanna make sure which ones i want by finding out how you should best play each one a few that i will be listing i already have just wanna make sure i'm using them right okay well i wanna know if there are any skill combo's/ sequences for each hero and there play style how they are suppose to play i will give a example (Example: nasus farms monsters till late game by staying in the middle of his own minions or farming at his own turret) so yeah and what skills i should focus on etc.

    Please and thank you

    Akali: i know little to nothing about her just know shes suppose to be one of/the best assassin

    Ryze: i just use him and atm he is my second favorite and the hero i get the most kills with i usually use him to team(mainly because his stun) and go almost full Ap with him i can usually do good damage Early-mid and sometimes late game with his first skill

    Tristana: honestly i don't like the characters looks but "It" has the best range of any champ in the late game

    Caitlyn: has good range and just curious about her

    Pantheon: don't know much but he seems to be a good assassin/fighter i think i might be able to use him but not sure

    Vladimir: i recently bought him and i like him cool skills hate the Hp drain on them tho but eh but i find him to be kinda weak and a little too squishy...

    Malzahar: just really like him and was reading a guide that was explaining his skills i like his passive and he's suppose to be Pretty good in team and supposably able to kill Carries and Tanks even if built right from what i've seen/read plus his powers are of the void and shit thats just awesome plus he and all his skins look cool :P

    Twisted Fate: My favorite champion he's just awesome First skill has longest non-Ult Range in game He's good at kiteing/Farming minions mid-late game/Ganking/Chasing down kills with his range and speed also if you have a few good items you should be able to kill champs easily if they are low on hp/ i wouldn't call it support but he's good at relieveing allies of Enemy Pressure by stunning,slowing, and taking out fair chunks of their hp i usually try to sit back farm minions harrase enemy's and gank when possible or if i think it's worth it or i can get away with it chase down enemy champs

    Fiddlesticks: i like him i've seen him used good but i just can't seem to use him right i love his Hp-Drain ability but enemy's always either get outta range or i get targeted and teamed like crazy.. and pretty much feed them :/ also can you use his Crow and Drain at the same time?

    Wukong: i know he has great escape abilities He looks cool along with cool skins he seems like he lacks well Viable skills or Useful skills.. like his Ult i read he gets raped if you don't use it right how do you use it right? idk everytime i've fought him he didn't seem great just good at hitting and running with burst damage but i do think he's cool

    Zac: okay everytime i've seen someone use him they almost always have few to no deaths and over 16 kills is it the Champion or the players or what?? and Just how do i play him?

    Again please and thank you guys for all the help i'm still pretty nubby :P
    Akali is a fragile burst assassin. She's far from the best, since you can counter her only defensive mechanism with a simple Oracles or pink ward.

    Ryze is a mid-range DPS champion. He's not bursty, and the optimal builds on him make him somewhat tanky. Unfortunately, the recent nerfs made him suboptimal, but still playable.

    Tristana is a late-game ridiculously strong late game AD Carry. Her power curve does follow an inverse parabola, where her mid-game is lackluster. Playable and rather safe with her W and longest base AA range at level 18 in the game.

    Caitlyn is similar to Tristana in power curves and late-game scaling, but slightly less safe late game. To compensate, her early game is much stronger and she's a ridiculously strong lane bully, powerful enough to stop the latest round of Corkis we see.

    Pantheon is an early to mid-game bruiser, not an assassin. He has terrible scaling and no escapes, so play accordingly. To compensate, his damage early and mid-game is rather insane.

    Vladimir is a mid to late-game AP DPS. His passive ensures he's a little beefy. His early game is weak. To compensate for the health drains on abilities, rushing a Spectral Wraith is a good idea.

    Malzahar is relatively weak. I wouldn't pick him. He has high single target burst, but unfortunately his ranges and lack of escapes usually make your trades late game one for one. Pickable, but difficult. Not competitively viable, but anything is usable in solo queue. I definitely agree that he's thematically cool.

    Twisted Fate is a strong and safe pick due to his long range wave clear. His ultimate gives him global presence and allows you to snowball most of the games you play. His passive gives him a decent amount of extra damage and he has a relatively low single target stun. Definitely someone you should learn. He's not dependant on his team if he's fed, as a combination of Lich Bane and Zhonya's should have enough damage to take down mid-game AD Carries and squishies.

    Fiddlesticks is best played as a support. And yes, you can drain while using your ultimate. His three second fear ensures that one carry on the enemy team is nearly entirely out of the fight. Used as a jungler, you can utilize your ultimate to pull surprise ganks and ensure kills. Zhonya's is necessary. Fiddlesticks is a good support because he doesn't need items to be good. He's strong with one of the longest CCs in the game.

    Wukong is a strong pick, with both lane kill potential and a brutal AoE knockup teamfight ultimate. His only downside is the lack of a defensive escape (in the form of a blink or dash), but you do have your clone which allows a lot of room for outplays.

    Zac can be played in both jungle and top lane because of his bloblets healing him for a percentage of his maximum health. His passive also allows you to be rather reckless when it's up, both when ganking and fighting in top lane. Build him mostly full tank, with a touch of magic penetration. In the jungle, rush the Spirit of the Ancient Golem and then build based off the enemy composition.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bat View Post
    When people call champions, heros, I cry inside.
    Dyrus calls them heroes. Chill out please.

  4. #4
    Ravime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Resolude View Post
    Akali is a fragile burst assassin. She's far from the best, since you can counter her only defensive mechanism with a simple Oracles or pink ward.

    Ryze is a mid-range DPS champion. He's not bursty, and the optimal builds on him make him somewhat tanky. Unfortunately, the recent nerfs made him suboptimal, but still playable.

    Tristana is a late-game ridiculously strong late game AD Carry. Her power curve does follow an inverse parabola, where her mid-game is lackluster. Playable and rather safe with her W and longest base AA range at level 18 in the game.

    Caitlyn is similar to Tristana in power curves and late-game scaling, but slightly less safe late game. To compensate, her early game is much stronger and she's a ridiculously strong lane bully, powerful enough to stop the latest round of Corkis we see.

    Pantheon is an early to mid-game bruiser, not an assassin. He has terrible scaling and no escapes, so play accordingly. To compensate, his damage early and mid-game is rather insane.

    Vladimir is a mid to late-game AP DPS. His passive ensures he's a little beefy. His early game is weak. To compensate for the health drains on abilities, rushing a Spectral Wraith is a good idea.

    Malzahar is relatively weak. I wouldn't pick him. He has high single target burst, but unfortunately his ranges and lack of escapes usually make your trades late game one for one. Pickable, but difficult. Not competitively viable, but anything is usable in solo queue. I definitely agree that he's thematically cool.

    Twisted Fate is a strong and safe pick due to his long range wave clear. His ultimate gives him global presence and allows you to snowball most of the games you play. His passive gives him a decent amount of extra damage and he has a relatively low single target stun. Definitely someone you should learn. He's not dependant on his team if he's fed, as a combination of Lich Bane and Zhonya's should have enough damage to take down mid-game AD Carries and squishies.

    Fiddlesticks is best played as a support. And yes, you can drain while using your ultimate. His three second fear ensures that one carry on the enemy team is nearly entirely out of the fight. Used as a jungler, you can utilize your ultimate to pull surprise ganks and ensure kills. Zhonya's is necessary. Fiddlesticks is a good support because he doesn't need items to be good. He's strong with one of the longest CCs in the game.

    Wukong is a strong pick, with both lane kill potential and a brutal AoE knockup teamfight ultimate. His only downside is the lack of a defensive escape (in the form of a blink or dash), but you do have your clone which allows a lot of room for outplays.

    Zac can be played in both jungle and top lane because of his bloblets healing him for a percentage of his maximum health. His passive also allows you to be rather reckless when it's up, both when ganking and fighting in top lane. Build him mostly full tank, with a touch of magic penetration. In the jungle, rush the Spirit of the Ancient Golem and then build based off the enemy composition.

    Dyrus calls them heroes. Chill out please.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bat View Post
    When people call champions, heros, I cry inside.
    Akali has huge burst damage after 6 and late game can carry. Basically all you do with akali is q>r (to gap close)> aa (auto attack for the q proc)>e>spam q, e and aa>r when they flash or start to get away>w when you need to get away. Basically you just spam the shit out of akali's abilities and get a penta.
    Ryze: Shit nerf too op.
    Tristana: Trist is very good early and late game but from levels 8-13 she's really shit.
    Caitlyn: Caitlyn is so fucking op she can aa you under your tower and be out of range. Fucking buy her and main her and shit on people's faces.
    cbf finishing the rest.
    Lol sorry about the whole champion thing :P lol most games i've played you call them heros like Lost saga etc but anyway yeah i definetly plan on getting Caitlynn and Zac and Ahri i already have Nasus, Xerath, Ryze and TF and i love ALL OF THEM lol :P so beast mode everyone of them

    But it seems like i need to find more people to play with that know what they are doing :/ i'm not saying i'm pro or anything only average but i know what to do and feel strong half the time atleast
    Last edited by Ravime; 09-23-2013 at 02:36 PM.
    I GFX but Haven't in a long time don't like doing it on a laptop

    Need to make new Signatures all my old ones have different tags :/

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