Hello there, I have been playing World of Warcraft EU for about 6 months now and Ive decided it has come to an end for me.

I have 2 characters on my account, they are listed below:

Realm: Azjol-Nerub
Level: 48
Gold: 3008g
Character Gender: Male
Character Race: Blood Elf
Character Class: Paladin
Any mount(s): Yes
If so, which?: Normal blood night warhorse (Paladin's Only)
Armory link - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.

Realm: Chamber of Aspects
Level: 64
Gold: 108g
Character Gender: Male
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Warrior
Any mount(s): Yes
If so, which: Normal Chestnut Mare, Epic swift white steed.
Armory link - WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.

Offers please!
I accept Paypal, Habbo Rares/Supers and Runescape accounts.
Please Contact me at: Jackrawr@googlemail.com

Thank you, Jack.