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  1. #1
    Aborted's Avatar
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    The Stupidest People I've Ever Seen

    The earth is the Lord's. God is going to destroy it all anyway for their sins. Whites been killing their race way back in slavery when they thought it was alright to rape our women. Now our sons are making babies with their daughters. Now they are saying we have to stay in our race. LOL that's so funny. They didn't think about it back then. 

    greg polasky
    Just look at what Africans do to their own people in Rwanda. You can preach your disengenious gospel all day long brothaman but It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what community your god is destroying. You my friend are a complete joke. Thanks for the laugh though

    +greg polasky
    You welcome! Glad i can make you laugh. But in just a few years, you won't be able to laugh. If you know how to read, you will see in Deuteronomy 28th chapter that the true Hebrews are cursed for disobeying God. Read it if you can and see if what you read compares to what blacks been through. But the fact is still true, all races come out of the black man. Do your study and get back to me. Type in, the real eve, on here to start. Type in the, extinction of the white race.

    +greg polasky
    You must haven't read up on those so called jews out there. They killed many of their own people and then some. Type in the real jews.

    Shut the hell up with your unfounded religious spew, it proves nothing, nor do we want to hear it. If you can't prove your point with logic and factual arguments, then you shouldn't be saying anything at all.

    Too bad. I have to tell the truth. You don't have to obey it for now. We won't live forever. On the other side we will have to give an account of our life here. Good bye. Now you shut up and don't write me again, but i bet you u will, because you are just that type of person.

    In fact I will write again because your hypocrisy is overwhelming. Apparently it's ok for you to be in the position for sarcastic remarks about being 'that type of person', when you never had to respond in the first place. The illogic is astounding.

    ok you win. I'm sorry for everything. Can't we just get along? I believe you started it by talking to me first. But i still say you win. God bless you!

    Fair enough. There really is no reason for us to fight. Our ideologies are simply different, and no amount of bickering will change that. Have a great day my friend.

    +greg polasky
    That might be true, because you whites are taking up all the jobs and don't believe in sharing. Plus we didn't ask to come here, remember? Now that many of us are doing good and have a lot of money even more than a lot of you, you want us to leave and go back after it was us that built this country. Do a real search to see who was the first people in America anyway. You are right, you don't have to hear me, but you will have to hear the God that i serve one day whether you believe or not. At the name of Jesus, or yeshua, every knee shall bow.

    +rossdaboss1959 Well said bro, As an Asian I fully agree upon your statements... it's the pay back time for the so-called 'white race' ... who brought disastrous havoc to other peaceful non-white nation

    I hear you. They have done so much to other races, it's not funny. That's why they are being extincted. Not all of them are bad. There are many that didn't do, but went along with the killing of other people. Many of them just don't want to believe the truth. Even today i still see the racism on the jobs, in the schools systems, everywhere you go. They wonder why so many of us are in jail, because they always profiling us. Yes there are some that should be arrested. But now there time is coming to a close, because God is still in control. When God says it's enough, it's enough. Most important they are being used by demons and don't even know it. When a black kid and a white kid are together playing, they not thinking about skin color. But when the parents get in the picture, then it all starts. God suppose to be please with that? I don't think so. 

    Your ignorance is absolutely incredible.

    1. The white on black violent crime rate is far lower than the white on white.
    (Whites are actually LESS violent toward minorities such as myself.)
    2. There are a plethora of scholarships branded only to minorities, with whites having no chance of acquiring them.
    3. Many jobs have reduced requirements for minorities. I, as a hispanic male, had to score higher in my field than a black male in order to land a job.
    4. Minorities have much more opportunities for reduced lunch in the school system.
    5. The crime rate for minorities is higher not because of profiling, but because we commit crime at a higher rate. You'd be an absolute fool not to admit that black and hispanic culture is deteriorating these days. Rap and hip hop are promoting violence, sexism, and immoral lifestyles. Black america is in a sad state of disrepair, not because the 'White man is keeping you down', but because of a lack of role models and father figures in the community. I also don't think God would be pleased with you profiling and judging an entire race of people. We're all human here, and you're thinking bad of people for the sole fact of their skin color. You're playing the textbook definition of racism. I hope you can see through your errors.

    +Aborted If you ask me its ironic..for the white Americans that is (I dont believe this genocide apply's to other white countries because its nothing but THEM with a few minorities here and there).

    they slaughtered an entire race of people (Native Americans = Indians) then stole their land, and had the sudacity to repay the Indians with small, secluded 'reservations.' and now karma's being a total bitch. 

    Fear the lord.

    America is not a white country, America is a melting pot of all races, joined together with a common goal. America gave me the opportunity for a new life when I came from Cuba, and that it did. I despise calling people 'white' and 'black' and 'brown' because we are ALL the same. 'Whites' did not oppress the Native Americans, but greedy PEOPLE. The very notion that skin color changes a man is dehumanizing in itself. To put forth that innocent humans who happen to have pale skin are responsible for the actions of their forefathers is simply illogic. Not only is it foolish, but it's founded upon the very same principles that allowed oppression to thrive. We've come a long way, and I'm very proud of the changes this great country has made. I fear that spiteful generalizations like the ones you're making will lead us right back into conflict. Color is but a refraction of light, an outworldly perception. It speaks nothing of the man inside. Love your brother my friend, don't condemn him.

    Not all whites are bad, just like not all blacks are bad. Any other race too. But we all have to admit that we all have some that are surely being used by the demons of hell. They have so much racism in them it's not funny. But i didn't let no man stop me from getting where i wanted to be. I retired over 6 years ago from the emergency medical service, under the fire department in new york city at 48 years old. I took Jesus Christ with me along the way after giving my life to him about forty years ago. Acts 2:38. We can't let nothing stop us from getting where we want to be. Just put God first.

    Patrick P.
    +rossdaboss1959 +rossdaboss1959 Shalom, brother. Revelations 13 states that he that leadth into captivity, shall go into captivity. He who slayeth with the sword, shall be slayed with the sword. The Caucasoid's days are numbered. Do not let these European apes make you uneasy. There are more of us than there are of them. God bless.

    +Patrick P.
    Fuck off racist.

    Patrick P.
    Any black man or woman who defends their own against devils such as those within Caucasoid group are called many things and "racist" so happens to be one of the latest. Until I have enslaved you for more than 300 years; raped your girls, your mother and your boys; established a wealthy nation from your labor; burned out, beat and lynched you during reconstruction, demonized you in the media; reduced jobs and good education in your community; seeded guns within your communities, created and doctored laws tailored for locking up the maximum number of Caucasoid apes; only then will I, a black man, become a bigot or a racist. You cannot oppress an entire group, and when they begin to stand for themselves and demand freedom and equality call them "racist". Sorry Caucasoid, you will not pull the "racist" card over my head. Try that on someone as delicate minded as yourself, it will not work.

    +Patrick P.
    You are judging me because I happen to be white/Hispanic. You are a racist.

    Apparently you think you get a free pass because you happen to be black. That shit won't fly with me buddy. If I called you a black ape, I'd be completely lambasted, but apparently it's fine if you do it.

    I'd honestly like to see the world from your viewpoint, but I'm having difficulty getting my head that far up my ass.

    It honestly scares me that such intolerant, ignorant, and hateful people like you exist. You are a hypocritical bastard.

    While I do find some of the comment racist, he does make a valid point. Most African Americans do have lots of European ancestry for this very reason. 


    Not to be rude, but his comment in its entirety is nothing but childish, ignorant, ill-thought racism. It contains nothing even in the remote realm of logic or ration. Once again, how are people today responsible for the actions of their forefathers? 

    But you have to understand that it is going to be in the forefront of people's minds. The Civil Rights Movements wasn't even that long ago. When you have a discussion on race, you can't just pretend that all of this didn't happen and that it isn't still effecting the lives of people today.

    Patrick P.
    Alas someone who understands the pain and suffering we went through. We only gained the most fundamental human rights approximately fifty years ago in a country which self proclaims to be the world's watchmen for human rights. 

    +Patrick P.

    Just because you happen to have dark skin does not constitute that you actually faced racial adversity. Even in the event that you did, you are not facing it now, so why hang on to the past? We are all human, and we are all the same, so why attack your brothers who have done nothing?

    I don't hate black people for the actions of the few, so why should you hate white people for the very same? You called me a 'caucasoid ape' when I have done absolutely nothing to you. I accept everyone, and judge people only by their actions, and who they are on the inside. Practice what you preach.

    Patrick P.
    +AbortedSouls Actions of a few? When was the last time any non-Caucasoid shoot up an elementary school, or a theatre? You have blood on your hands regardless of whether you choose to accept it. You are not going to pull the social Marxism card over my head as if the actions of your "people" and my people are the same. Your history is written in blood. You are not going to call me a racist. You are the racist and no sugarcoated sentimental message can ever mask the stench. I did not write your history, your people wrote it for themselves. It was your people who killed over ten million in the Congo. It was your people who killed over 60 million in the Americas. It was your people who literally extinct the Aboriginals and skinned their skulls to hang them in your museums just in a testament to a notion of perceived superiority which in all actuality could not be further from the truth. It was your people who brutally raped and murdered the Tasmanians, many of which faced the last moments of their lives confined in cages, what the Caucasoid would call a "human zoo". Look it up. You are in no moral position to judge anyone, in my judgment. 

    +Patrick P.
    Are you seriously this dense? Honestly tell me how many mass shootings there have been in the last years. Maybe 10, 25 at the max. That WOULD be the actions of the FEW. Meanwhile African-Americans are slaughtering each other in the streets, but you don't so much as bat an eye. How damn dare you say 'your people', like being white is an exclusive club where we plot and plan how to opress peope. I take no part in racism, and I take no part in discrimination. I judge men by who they are and what they do. I dislike you not because you're black, but because you are an ignorant hate-monger. What part of the definition of racism do you not understand? You're unjustifiedly judging and discriminating against me because I happen to be white. That is the textbook definition of racism. If you would spend a little more of your time reading a dictionary rather than wearing a tin-foil hat, maybe you would know that. I have judged nobody, so how can you possibly stand there and call me a racist? Tone down the base rate fallacy a couple of notches.

    You are as ignorant as you are arrogant.

    Last edited by Aborted; 12-22-2013 at 02:20 AM.
    You were seeking strength, justice, splendour.
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    Here is the pit, here is your pit.
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  2. #2
    Ferris Bueller's Avatar
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    So wait, how did this start again?

  3. #3
    She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin Johnson View Post
    So wait, how did this start again?
    Shit, forgot the original post:

    The earth is the Lord's. God is going to destroy it all anyway for their sins. Whites been killing their race way back in slavery when they thought it was alright to rape our women. Now our sons are making babies with their daughters. Now they are saying we have to stay in our race. LOL that's so funny. They didn't think about it back then. 
    You were seeking strength, justice, splendour.
    You were seeking love.
    Here is the pit, here is your pit.
    Its name is Silence..

  4. #4
    blvckrampage's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Empire's Avatar
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    These people........are total idiots.......

    Just... just how. How can you be this stupid, this blindly unknowing about basic race history.

    First off, "white race" is about a broad a term as "black race" or "asian race" or "hispanic race". Blaming anything on the "white race" is pretty silly because within the race there are so many different variations, ESPECIALLY within europe. It's like grouping everyone from africa as just "african". Shit, Africa is a pretty fucking big place ya'know?

    Secondly all this stuff least 2-3 generations ago. Holding the newer generations(even the adults) responsible for those crimes is wrong. Do we still call germans nazi's in a serious tone? NO!!! Why? Because it's fucking stupid and backwards to hold the kid for the sins of their ancestor.
    +1 for generalizing all white people in the world for the actions of a select few.

    Ok lets get on the last point i see here, white people "disturbed the peace". Ok if anyone knows anything about history, it's that humanity always fights with each other.
    -There has been very, very, very(am I making this clear?) VERY few groups of people in the world that have not fought with each other. Blacks fight blacks, whites fight whites, every race fights every race. They act like there was never war in those countries, which in my opinion, is just hilarious. Yeah, you show me a large population that never has war or is attacked in a long existence and i'll believe yah.


    It's like he's that one incredibly racist blackguy, but because he's black people and playing the racist-victim-bitch card, people just don't want to mess with him.

    "Oh white people have oppressed us now and i can't do this this or that".

    Fuck. That. That's the generic racist crap that destroys the very foundations of the civil rights movement.

  6. #6
    She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Empire View Post
    These people........are total idiots.......

    Just... just how. How can you be this stupid, this blindly unknowing about basic race history.

    First off, "white race" is about a broad a term as "black race" or "asian race" or "hispanic race". Blaming anything on the "white race" is pretty silly because within the race there are so many different variations, ESPECIALLY within europe. It's like grouping everyone from africa as just "african". Shit, Africa is a pretty fucking big place ya'know?

    Secondly all this stuff least 2-3 generations ago. Holding the newer generations(even the adults) responsible for those crimes is wrong. Do we still call germans nazi's in a serious tone? NO!!! Why? Because it's fucking stupid and backwards to hold the kid for the sins of their ancestor.
    +1 for generalizing all white people in the world for the actions of a select few.

    Ok lets get on the last point i see here, white people "disturbed the peace". Ok if anyone knows anything about history, it's that humanity always fights with each other.
    -There has been very, very, very(am I making this clear?) VERY few groups of people in the world that have not fought with each other. Blacks fight blacks, whites fight whites, every race fights every race. They act like there was never war in those countries, which in my opinion, is just hilarious. Yeah, you show me a large population that never has war or is attacked in a long existence and i'll believe yah.


    It's like he's that one incredibly racist blackguy, but because he's black people and playing the racist-victim-bitch card, people just don't want to mess with him.

    "Oh white people have oppressed us now and i can't do this this or that".

    Fuck. That. That's the generic racist crap that destroys the very foundations of the civil rights movement.
    Patrick P.
    @AbortedSouls "For no reason"? With this comment you've demonstrated debating with you is pointless lost cause. Fact is, you are one of those who speak of peace but never want to discuss the underlying issues perpetrated by your people affecting society as a whole today. In other words; a fraud and a deceiver. When you begin to realize how sociopathic you are simply by stating "for no reason", perhaps a constructive conversation could begin to take place. I advise you to open a history book.

    I can not even begin to comprehend how astoundingly hypocritical you are.

    For god's sake, stop saying 'your people', I am not part of a damn group. Once again, stop with the base rate fallacies. Tell me right now, what have I PERSONALLY done to negatively affect society? You are attacking ME, when I have done nothing. Should I attack you because some black people choose to join gangs and kill people? No, so don't do the same to me.

    My skin happens to be white, what the hell does that change? If I were black, I would be the exact same person, and I would think the exact same way. Yet I can damn well gaurantee you wouldn't be preaching at me.

    Last edited by Aborted; 12-22-2013 at 12:43 PM.
    You were seeking strength, justice, splendour.
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    Its name is Silence..

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    Key and Peele did a great bit on this, but I can't find it.

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