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  1. #1
    Hellitself's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Lystical Menu Hellitself Edition v1 Dayz SA

    Hello, i thought of modifying a random menu and make it even better by adding some stuff to it and fixing some errors in it, removing out dated scripts

    scriptName "Functions\initFunctions.sqf";
    #define VERSION	3.0
    call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dz\modulesDayz\init.sqf";
    if (getnumber (configfile >> "CfgFunctions" >> "version") != VERSION) exitwith {
    	textlogformat [
    		"Log: ERROR: Functions versions mismatch - config is %1, but script is %2",
    		getnumber (configfile >> "CfgFunctions" >> "version"),
    _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    diag_log "what";
    new_queued = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\dz\modulesDayZ\scripts\player_queued.sqf";
    [] spawn {
    	_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    	if(!isNil "menu") exitWith {diag_log "menu already ran";};
    	menu = true;
    	diag_log "GO";
    	[] spawn {
    		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		while{true} do {
    			waitUntil{!(isNil "clientReady")};
    			PLAYER_ID = clientReady;
    	[] spawn {
    		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		diag_log "instant respawn started";
    		while{true} do {
    			player_queued = {
    				_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    				_id = _this select 0;
    				_this set[6,0]; //disable delay
    				hint 'respawning you instantly!';
    				_this call new_queued;
    	diag_log "menu init";
    	[] spawn {
    		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		kk_fnc_inString = {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			private ["_needle","_haystack","_needleLen","_hay","_found"];
    			_needle = [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
    			_haystack = toArray ([_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param);
    			_needleLen = count toArray _needle;
    			_hay = toArray ([_this, 1, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param);
    			_hay resize _needleLen;
    			_found = false;
    			for "_i" from _needleLen to count _haystack do {
    			    if (toString _hay == _needle) exitWith {_found = true};
    			    _hay set [_needleLen, _haystack select _i];
    			    _hay set [0, "x"];
    			    _hay = _hay - ["x"]
    		W34p0ns = [];
    		F0od_Dr1nk = [];
    		M3d1c4l = [];
    		T0ol_it3ms = [];
    		amm0 = [];
    		It3m5 = [];
    		Att4chm3nt = [];
    		Cl0th1ng = [];
    		B4ckp4cks = [];
    	    A11 = [];
    		_magazines = [] spawn {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			systemchat "Hellitself Loading Magazine Config";
    			_configFile = configFile >> "cfgMagazines";
    			for "_i" from 0 to count(_configFile) do {
    				_cfg = _configFile select _i;
    				if(isClass _cfg) then {
    					_class = configName _cfg;
    					_scope = getNumber(_cfg >> "scope");
    					if(_scope == 2) then {
    						amm0 = amm0 + [_class];
    		_weapons = [] spawn {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			systemchat "Hellitself Loading Weapon Config";
    			_configFile = configFile >> "cfgWeapons";
    			for "_i" from 0 to count(_configFile) do {
    				_cfg = _configFile select _i;
    				if(isClass _cfg) then {
    					_class = configName _cfg;
    					_scope = getNumber(_cfg >> "scope");
    					if(_scope == 2) then {
    						W34p0ns = W34p0ns + [_class];
    		_everythingelse = [] spawn {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			systemchat "Hellitself Loading Item Config";
    			_configFile = configFile >> "cfgVehicles";
    			_pcheck = 0;
    			for "_i" from 0 to count(_configFile)-1 do {
    				_percent = round((_i / (count(_configFile)-1))*100);
    				if(_percent != _pcheck) then {
    					_pcheck = _percent;
    					systemchat ("<Hellitself Loading Item Config("+str(_percent)+"%)")
    				_cfg = _configFile select _i;
    				if(isClass _cfg) then {
    					_class = configName _cfg;
    					//Scope check
    					_scope = getNumber(_cfg >> "Scope");
    					if(_scope == 2) then {
    						//Round Check
    						if(["Ammo_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							amm0 = amm0 + [_class];
    						//Food & Drink Check
    						if(["Food_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							F0od_Dr1nk = F0od_Dr1nk + [_class];
    						if(["Drink_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							F0od_Dr1nk = F0od_Dr1nk + [_class];
    						//Medical check
    						if(["Medical_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							T0ol_it3ms = T0ol_it3ms + [_class];
    						//Tool Check
    						if(["Tool_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							T0ol_it3ms = T0ol_it3ms + [_class];
    						if(["Pen_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							T0ol_it3ms = T0ol_it3ms + [_class];
    						//Attachment Check
    						if(["Attachment_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							Att4chm3nt = Att4chm3nt + [_class];
    						if(_class isKindOf "VestBase") then {
    							Cl0th1ng = Cl0th1ng + [_class];
    						if(_class isKindOf "TopwearBase") then {
    							Cl0th1ng = Cl0th1ng + [_class];
    						if(_class isKindOf "BottomwearBase") then {
    							Cl0th1ng = Cl0th1ng + [_class];
    						if(_class isKindOf "FootwearBase") then {
    							Cl0th1ng = Cl0th1ng + [_class];
    						//Backpack Check
    						if(_class isKindOf "BagBase") then {
    							B4ckp4cks = B4ckp4cks + [_class];
    						//Gear Check
    						if(["Container_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Optics_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Crafting_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Map_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Compass",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Light_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Cookware_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Fireplace_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Cooker_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    						if(["Consumable_",_class] call kk_fnc_inString) then {
    							It3m5 = It3m5 + [_class];
    		waitUntil{scriptdone _magazines && scriptdone _weapons && scriptdone _everythingelse};
    		A11 = W34p0ns + amm0 + Att4chm3nt + F0od_Dr1nk + M3d1c4l + T0ol_it3ms + B4ckp4cks + It3m5 + Cl0th1ng;
    	waitUntil{!isNull player};
    	waitUntil{alive player};
    	diag_log 'player found';
    	players = [];
    	whitelist = [];
    	['Anti-BlackScreen & DisabledInput'] spawn {
    		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		while{true} do {
    			disableuserinput false;
    			titleText ["", "PLAIN", 2];
    			titleFadeOut 0.1;
    			setAperture -1;
    			0 fadeSound 1;
    			0 fadeSpeech 1;
    			0 fadeRadio 1;
    	_menu  = {
    		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		['Maintain Player List'] spawn {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			while{true} do {
    				_players = player nearEntities ["SurvivorBase",1000];
    				players = _players;
    				sleep 10;
    		['Overhead Advert'] spawn {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    			while{true} do {
    				0 cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN']; 
    				_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull]; 
    				_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999; 
    				_ctrl ctrlShow true;  
    				_ctrl ctrlEnable true;  
    				_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0;  
    				_ctrl ctrlsettextcolor [0,1,1,1];
    				_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [safezonex,safezoney,safezonew,safezoneH]; 
    				_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t color='#00FFFF'> Lystical Menu Hellitself edition</t>"; 
    				_ctrl ctrlcommit 0; 
    				uiSleep 9;
    		['Variables'] call {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        		toggle_1 = false;
        		toggle_5 = false;
        		toggle_6 = false;
        		toggle_2 = false;
        		toggle_3 = false;
        		toggle_4 = false;
        		toggle_7 = false;
        		toggle_8 = false;
        		toggle_9 = false;
        		toggle_10 = false;
        		toggle_11 = false;
        		toggle_12 = false;
        		toggle_13 = false;
                    toggle_14 = false;
                    toggle_15 = false;
                    toggle_16 = false;
        		reknearplayers_toggle = false;
        		dayz_esp_toggle = false;
        		dayz_esp_toggle_z = false;
        		super_punch_toggle = false;
        		super_punch_toggle_gernade = false;
        		remove_dayzed_toggle = false;
        		remove_restrained_toggle = false;
        		remove_rainCheck_toggle = false;
        		nofall_toggle = false;
        		fly_toggle = false;
                magnet_running = 0;
                devlist = ["kegan","lystic"];
    	    	whitelist = devlist;
    		['Scripties'] call {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
    		    reknearplayers = {
            		_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
            		if(reknearplayers_toggle) then {hint 'Rek Players ON';} else {hint 'Rek Players OFF';};
            		while{reknearplayers_toggle} do {
            			_targets =  players - [player];
            				if (lifeState _x == "ALIVE") then {
            					uiSleep 0.5;
        					        _pos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,2];
        					        _bullet = "GrenadeCore" createvehiclelocal _pos;
    						_bullet setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
    						uiSleep 0.1;
            			} forEach _targets;
        		killtarget = {
        			_name = _this select 0;
        				if(name _x == _name) then {
        					uiSleep 0.5;
        					_pos = _x modelToWorld [0,0,2];
        					_bullet = "GrenadeCore" createvehiclelocal _pos;
    						_bullet setVelocity [0,0,-50000];
    						uiSleep 0.1;	
        			} forEach players;
        		nofall = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			while{nofall_toggle} do {
        				_veh = velocity player;
        				_z = _veh select 2;
        				if(_z < -2 && !(isTouchingGround player)) then {_veh set[2,0];player setVelocity _veh;};
        		super_punch = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(super_punch_toggle) then {
        				super_punch_event =	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",'
        					if((_this select 1) == 41) then {
        						_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        						_pos = player modelToWorld [0,2,1.5];
        						_bullet = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos;
        						_dir = eyeDirection player;
        						_dir2 = [(_dir select 0)*5000,(_dir select 1)*5000,(_dir select 2)*5000];
        						_bullet setVelocity _dir2;
        				hint "Super Punch ON (hold ~ to activate)";
        			} else {
        				(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown",super_punch_event];
        				hint "Super Punch OFF";
        		super_punch_gernade = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(super_punch_toggle_gernade) then {
        				super_punch_event =	(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",'
        					if((_this select 1) == 41) then {
        						_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        						_pos = player modelToWorld [0,2,1.5];
        						_bullet = "GrenadeCore" createvehiclelocal _pos;
        						_dir = eyeDirection player;
        						_dir2 = [(_dir select 0)*5000,(_dir select 1)*5000,(_dir select 2)*5000];
        						_bullet setVelocity _dir2;
        				hint "Super Punch ON (hold ~ to activate)";
        			} else {
        				(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown",super_punch_event];
        				hint "Super Punch OFF";
        		remove_dayzed = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(remove_dayzed_toggle) then {
        				"effectDazed" addPublicVariableEventhandler {};
        				hint 'Dazed Effect Removed';
        			} else {
        				"effectDazed" addPublicVariableEventhandler {
        					call dayz_bulletHit;
        					effectDazed = false;
        				hint 'Dazed Effect Added';
        		remove_rainCheck = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(remove_rainCheck_toggle) then {
        				rainCheck_bak = rainCheck;
        				rainCheck = {};
        				hint 'Rain Check Removed';
        			} else {
        				rainCheck = rainCheck_bak;
        				hint 'Rain Check Added';
        		dayz_esp_3 = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_activationDistance = 800; 
        			_drawESP = {
        				_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        				_target = _this select 0;
        				_maxDistance = _this select 1;
        				_layer = _this select 2;
        				_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        				_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        				_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        				_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        				_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        				while{dayz_esp_toggle_z} do {
        					_distance = player distance _target;
        					if((_distance > _maxDistance) || !(alive _target)) exitWith {};
        					if(time > _timeToReplace) then {
        						_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        						_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        						_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        						_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        						_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        					_pos = [(getPosATL _target) select 0, (getPosATL _target) select 1, ((getPosATL _target) select 2) + 2];
        					_pos2D = WorldToScreen _pos;
        					_health = round((damage _target)*100);
        					if (count _pos2D > 0) then
        						_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
        						_text = parseText format ['<t size=''0.40'' color=''#FF0000''>%1 (%2m) [HP: %3%]', "Zombie", round (player distance _target),_health];
        						_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
        						_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
        					uiSleep 0.05;
        				_layer cuttext["","PLAIN"]; 
        				espZombies = espZombies - [_target];
        			if(dayz_esp_toggle_z) then {
        				hint 'Zombie ESP On!';
        			} else {
        				hint 'Zombie ESP Off!';
        			_layer = 3000;
        			_nearZombies = [];
        			espZombies = [];
        			_activationDistance = _activationDistance min 800;
        			while{dayz_esp_toggle_z} do {
        				_nearZombies = (getpos player) nearObjects ["ZombieBase",850];
        					if(alive _x) then { 
        						_distance = player distance _x;
        						if(_distance < _activationDistance) then {
        							if !(_x in espZombies) then { 
        								espZombies = espZombies + [_x]; 
        								[_x,_activationDistance,_layer] spawn _drawESP;
        								_layer = _layer + 1;
        				} forEach _nearZombies;
        		dayz_esp_2 = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_activationDistance = 800; 
        			_drawESP = {
        				_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        				_target = _this select 0;
        				_maxDistance = _this select 1;
        				_layer = _this select 2;
        				_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        				_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        				_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        				_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        				_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        				while{dayz_esp_toggle} do {
        					_distance = player distance _target;
        					if((_distance > _maxDistance) || !(alive _target)) exitWith {};
        					if(time > _timeToReplace) then {
        						_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        						_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        						_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        						_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        						_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        					_pos = [(getPosATL _target) select 0, (getPosATL _target) select 1, ((getPosATL _target) select 2) + 2];
        					_pos2D = WorldToScreen _pos;
        					_health = round(((_target getVariable['blood',0])/5000)*100);
        					_hand = (typeof (itemInHands _target));
        					_name = name _target;
        					_addon = "";
        					if(toLower(_name) in whitelist) then {
        						_addon = "<br/><t size='0.5' color='#FF69B4'>Whitelisted</t>";
        					if(toLower(_name) in devlist) then {
        						_addon = "<br/><t size='0.5' color='#0000FF'>Cheat Developer</t>";
        					if (count _pos2D > 0) then
        						if !(ctrlShown _ctrl) then {
        							_ctrl ctrlShow true;
        						_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
        						_text = parseText format ['<t size=''0.40'' color=''#00FF00''>%1 (%2m) [HP: %3%]<br/>Hand: %4</t>%5', _name, round (player distance _target),_health,_hand,_addon];
        						_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
        						_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
        					} else {
        						if(ctrlShown _ctrl) then {
        							_ctrl ctrlShow false;
        					uiSleep 0.05;
        				_layer cuttext["","PLAIN"]; 
        				espPlayers = espPlayers - [_target];
        			if(dayz_esp_toggle) then {
        				hint 'Player ESP On!';
        			} else {
        				hint 'Player ESP Off!';
        			_layer = 1000;
        			_nearPlayers = [];
        			espPlayers = [];
        			_activationDistance = _activationDistance min 800;
        			while{dayz_esp_toggle} do {
        				_nearPlayers = (getpos player) nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",850];
        					if(alive _x) then { 
        						_distance = player distance _x;
        						if(_distance < _activationDistance) then {
        							if !(_x in espPlayers) then { 
        								espPlayers = espPlayers + [_x]; 
        								[_x,_activationDistance,_layer] spawn _drawESP;
        								_layer = _layer + 1;
        				} forEach _nearPlayers;
        		unrestrain = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			actionReleased = player;
        			publicVariableServer "actionReleased";
        		hidebuildings = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_objects = [];
        			if(toggle_13) then {hint 'Buildings are hidden!';} else {hint 'Buidlings are visible!';};
        			while{toggle_13} do {
        				_buildings = ((getpos player) nearobjects ["House",1000]);
        					if !(_x in _objects) then {
        						_objects = _objects + [_x];
        						_x hideObject true;
        				} forEach _buildings;
        				_x hideObject false;
        			} forEach _objects;
        		firetrail = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			player setVariable ["fire",toggle_12];
        			if(toggle_12) then {hint 'You are on fire!';} else {hint 'You are no longer on fire!';};
        			player spawn event_fnc_fireplaceFire;
        		thirdperson = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_11) then {
        				onEachFrame {
        					_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        					player switchCamera "External";
        				hint 'Third Person Mode - ON';
        			} else {
        				onEachFrame {};
        				hint 'Third Person Mode - OFF';
    disarmp = {
    		_entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]); 
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				dropItems = _x;publicVariableServer 'dropItems';
    		} forEach _entities;
    knockOut = {
    	    _entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]); 
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    				_pos = _x modeltoworld [0,0,2]; 
    				for "_i" from 0 to 6 do {
    					_bullet = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet2 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet2 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet3 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet3 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet4 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet4 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet5 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet5 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet6 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet6 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet7 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet7 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet8 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet8 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet9 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet9 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    					_bullet10 = "MeleeFist" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet10 setVelocity [0, 0, -50];
    		} forEach _entities;
    kplayer = {
    	    _entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]); 
    			if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    			_pos = _x modeltoworld [0,0,1.20]; 
    			_bullet = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet2 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet2 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet3 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet3 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet4 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet4 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet5 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet5 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet6 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet6 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet7 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet7 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet8 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet8 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet9 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet9 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    			_bullet10 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    			_bullet10 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    		} forEach _entities;
    pshield = {
    		if (toggle_15==0) then {hint "playerShield ON!";toggle_15 = 1;} else {hint "playerShield OFF!";toggle_15 = 0;};
    		_code = { 
    			while {toggle_15==1} do {
    				_pos = getPos player;
    				_standaloneisgayNear = _pos nearEntities ["SurvivorBase",100];
    				_standaloneisgayCount = count _standaloneisgayNear;
    				for "_i" from 0 to (_standaloneisgayCount - 1) do
    					_standaloneisgayZombie = _standaloneisgayNear select _i;
    					if (player != _standaloneisgayZombie) then {
    						_pos = _standaloneisgayZombie modeltoworld [0,0,1.20]; 
    						_bullet = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet2 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet2 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet3 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet3 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet4 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet4 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet5 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet5 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet6 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet6 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    						_bullet7 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    						_bullet7 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    				sleep 4;
    zshield = {
    		if (isNil ("zzshield")) then  {zzshield = 0;};
    		if (toggle_14==0) then {hint "zombieShield ON";toggle_14 = 1;} else {hint "zombieShield OFF";toggle_14 = 0;};
    		_code = { 
    			while {toggle_14==1} do {
    				_pos = getPos player;
    				_standaloneisgayNear = _pos nearEntities ["ZombieBase",30];
    				_standaloneisgayCount = count _standaloneisgayNear;
    				for "_i" from 0 to (_standaloneisgayCount - 1) do
    					_standaloneisgayZombie = _standaloneisgayNear select _i;
    					_pos = _standaloneisgayZombie modeltoworld [0,0,1.20]; 
    					_bullet = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet2 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet2 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet3 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet3 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet4 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet4 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet5 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet5 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet6 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet6 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    					_bullet7 = "B_762x51_Ball" createvehiclelocal _pos; 
    					_bullet7 setVelocity [0, 0, -50000];
    				sleep 4;
    		[] spawn _code;
    ViewPlayer = 
    _entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]);
    if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    createGearDialog [(_x), "RscDisplayGear"];
    } forEach _entities;
    Spectate = 
    _entities = (positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0] nearObjects ["SurvivorBase",1000]);
    if (name _x == _this select 0) then
    vehicle _x switchCamera "EXTERNAL";
    systemchat format ["Spectating %1, press F10 to cancel", name _x];
    } forEach _entities;
    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', 'if ((_this select 1) == 0x44) then {vehicle player switchCamera "EXTERNAL";}'];
    TakeAShit = 
    playerAction 'PlayerPoo';
    hint "You Are Taking A Shit";	
    sleep 1;
    PlayerVomit = 
    playerAction 'PlayerVomit';
    hint "Vomiting";	
    sleep 1;
        		fastshoot = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_8) then {hint "FAST FIRE ON!";} else {hint "FAST FIRE OFF!";};
        			while{toggle_8} do {
        				player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,currentWeapon player,0];
        				sleep 0.001;
        		noblurandfullcolor = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_9) then {HINT "NO BLUR + FULL COLOR ON";} else {HINT "NO BLUR + FULL COLOR OFF";};
        			_realblood = 0;
        			while{toggle_9} do {	
        				_realblood = player getVariable['blood',-1];
        				player setVariable ['blood',5000];
        				waitUntil{player getVariable ['blood',-1] != 5000};
        		lysticrecoil = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_10) then {
        				player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0;
        				hint 'No Recoil - ON';
        			} else {
        				player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 1;
        				hint 'No Recoil - OFF';
        		addwhitelist = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_name = _this select 0;
        			if !(tolower(_name) in whitelist) then {
        				whitelist = whitelist + [tolower(_name)];
        			hint format["%1 has been whitelisted!",_name];
        		killme = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_unit = player;
        			while{alive player} do {
        				player setVelocity[0,0,1000];
        				sleep 0.2;
        				player setVelocity[0,0,-1000];
        				sleep 1.5;
        			_unit setVelocity[0,0,10000];
        		executer = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			closedialog 0;
        			sleep 0.1;
        			createdialog 'rscdisplaynote';
        			sleep 0.2;
        			ctrlSetText[1300,'Bowens Script Executer'];
        			buttonSetAction[1600,'_text = (ctrlText 1400);[] spawn compile _text;'];
        		timeday = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if (isnil ("loop1")) then {loop1 = 0;};
        			if (loop1==0) then {loop1=1;cutText [format["Enabled Loop"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Enabled Loop";}else
        				{loop1=0;cutText [format["Disabled Loop"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Disabled Loop";};
        				while {loop1==1} do
        					setDate [2012, 9, 1, 14, 0];
        					sleep 4;
        		infammo = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if (isnil ("infammoON")) then 
        				infammoON = 0;
        			if (infammoON==0) then
        				systemchat "Infinite Ammo ON!";
        				systemchat "Infinite Ammo OFF!";
        			sCode = " while {infammoON==1} do{(vehicle player) setVehicleAmmo 1;sleep 0.1;};";
        			[] spawn compile sCode;
        		nocollide = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_4) then {hint "NO COLLIDE ON";} else {hint "NO COLLIDE OFF";};
        			_objects = [];
        			while{toggle_4} do {
        				_list = (getposatl player) nearObjects 50;
        					if !(_x in _objects) then {
        						player disableCollisionWith _x;
        						_objects = _objects + [_x];
        				} forEach _list;
        				sleep 10;
        				player enableCollisionWith _x;
        				_objects = _objects - [_x];
        			} forEach _objects;
        		removegrass = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(toggle_5) then {
        				setTerrainGrid 50.0;hint "Terrain Hack ON";
        			} else {
        				setTerrainGrid 12.5;hint "Terrain Hack OFF";
                    nothing = {
        		norestrain = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			"actionRestrained"  addPublicVariableEventHandler {}; 
        		nowet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			rainCheck = {};
        			isUnderRoof = {[0,0,0,0]};
        			hint "No Longer Wet From Rain!";
        		dupebody = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(isNil 'swagbagdupe') then {
        				swagbagdupe = 2;
        				uiSleep swagbagdupe;
        			clientReady = PLAYER_ID;
        			publicVariableServer "clientReady";
        		magnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_objects = _this select 1;
        			_prefix = _this select 0;
        			//check for nil variables
        			call compile format["if(isNil '%1_esp') then {%1_esp = [];};",_prefix];
        			call compile format["if(isNil '%1_esp_t') then {%1_esp_t = false;};%1_esp_t = !%1_esp_t;",_prefix];
        			_activationDistance = 800; 
        			_drawESP = {
        				_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        				_target = _this select 0;
        				_maxDistance = _this select 1;
        				_layer = _this select 2;
        				_prefix = _this select 3;
        				_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        				_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        				_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        				_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        				_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        				_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        				while{call compile format["%1_esp_t",_prefix]} do {
        					_distance = player distance _target;
        					if((_distance > _maxDistance) || !(alive _target)) exitWith {};
        					if(time > _timeToReplace) then {
        						_timeToReplace = time + 9;
        						_layer cutRsc ['RscTitleStructuredText', 'PLAIN'];
        						_display = uinamespace getvariable ['RscTitleStructuredText',displaynull];
        						_ctrl = _display displayctrl 9999;
        						_ctrl ctrlShow true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlEnable true; 
        						_ctrl ctrlSetFade 0; 
        					_pos = [(getPosATL _target) select 0, (getPosATL _target) select 1, ((getPosATL _target) select 2) + 2];
        					_pos2D = WorldToScreen _pos;
        					_health = round((damage _target)*100);
        					if (count _pos2D > 0) then
        						_ctrl ctrlSetPosition [(_pos2D select 0) - (safezoneW / 2), (_pos2D select 1), safezoneW, safezoneH];
        						_text = parseText format ['<t size=''0.40'' color=''#FFFF00''>%1 (%2m) [HP: %3%]', "Zombie", round (player distance _target),_health];
        						_ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText _text;
        						_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
        					uiSleep 0.05;
        				_layer cuttext["","PLAIN"]; 
        				call compile format["%1_esp = %1_esp - [_target];",_prefix];
        			if(call compile format["%1_esp_t",_prefix]) then {
        				hint format['%1 ESP On!'];
        				magnet_running = magnet_running + 1;
        			} else {
        				hint format['%1 ESP Off!'];
        				magnet_running = magnet_running - 1;
        			_layer = 5000*magnet_running;
        			_nearLoot = [];
        			_activationDistance = _activationDistance min 800;
        			while{call compile format["%1_esp_t",_prefix]} do {
        			    _nearLoot = [];
        			        _nearLoot = _nearLoot + ((getpos player) nearObjects [_x,850]);
        			    } forEach _objects;
        					_distance = player distance _x;
        					if(_distance < _activationDistance) then {
        						call compile format ["
        						if !(_x in %1_esp) then { 
        							%1_esp = %1_esp + [_x]; 
        							[_x,_activationDistance,_layer,'%1'] spawn _drawESP;
        							_layer = _layer + 1;
        				} forEach _nearLoot;
        		cmagnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Clothing",Cl0th1ng] spawn magnet;
        		amagnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["All",A11] spawn magnet;
        		attachmentmagnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Attachment",Att4chm3nt] spawn magnet;
        		imagnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Item",It3m5] spawn magnet;
        		ammomagnet = {
        	    	_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Ammo",amm0] spawn magnet;
        		wmagnet = {
        	    	_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Weapons",W34p0ns] spawn magnet;
        		fmagnet = {
        		    _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Food and Drink",F0od_Dr1nk] spawn magnet;
        		mmagnet = {
        		    _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Medical",M3d1c4l] spawn magnet;
        		tmagnet = {
        		    _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Tool",T0ol_it3ms] spawn magnet;
        		bmagnet = {
        	    	_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			["Backpack",B4ckp4cks] spawn magnet;
        		remwhitelist = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_name = _this select 0;
        			if (tolower(_name) in whitelist) then {
        				whitelist = whitelist - [tolower(_name)];
        			hint format["%1 has been unwhitelisted",_name];
        		disableeffects = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			hint 'Bullet Hit Effects Have Been Removed';
        			dayz_bulletHit = {};
            ['Functions'] call {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
                loadmain = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			cheatlist = menuheader + menumain;
        			[] spawn fillCheats;
                loadmagnet = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(count(A11) == 0) exitWith {[] spawn loadmain; hint 'Please WAit Until All Items Are Loaded Before Using Magnet';};
        			cheatlist = menuheader + menumagnet;
        			[] spawn fillCheats;
        		loadtarget = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			cheatlist = menuheader + menutarget;
        			[] spawn fillCheats;
        		currentCheatMenu = "";
        		fillCheats = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(!isNull (findDisplay 3030)) then {
        				_display = (findDisplay 3030);
        				_left = _display displayctrl 1;
        				_counter = 0;
        				lbClear _left;
        					_left lbAdd (_x select 0);
        					if((_x select 2)) then {
        						_bool= call compile (_x select 3);
        						if(_bool) then {
        							_left lbSetColor [_counter,[0,1,0,1]];
        						} else {
        							_left lbSetColor [_counter,[1,0,0,1]];
        					} else {
        						_left lbSetColor [_counter,[1,1,1,1]];
        					_counter = _counter + 1;
        				} forEach cheatList;
        				_left ctrlCommit 0;
        		dbClicked = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			_index = _this;
        			_item  = cheatlist select _index;
        			_text = _item select 0;
        			_cmd = _item select 1;
        			_isToggle = _item select 2;
        			_toggleVar = _item select 3;
        			_classname = _item select 4;
        			if(_isToggle) then {
        				call compile format["%1 = !%1",_toggleVar];
        				_bool= call compile _toggleVar;
        				if(_bool) then {
        					lbSetColor [1,_index,[0,1,0,1]];
        				} else {
        					lbSetColor [1,_index,[1,0,0,1]];
        			if(_classname != "") then {
        				if !(_classname in A11) then {
        					currentCheatMenu = _classname;
        				if(_classname == "target") then {
        					_classname = lbText[2,lbCurSel 2];
        				[_classname] spawn _cmd;
        			} else {
        				[] spawn _cmd;
        			systemChat ("Hellitself Executed " + _text);	
        		refreshPlayers = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			if(!isNull (findDisplay 3030)) then {
        				_display = (findDisplay 3030);
        				_sel = lbCurSel _list;
        				_right = _display displayctrl 2;
        				lbClear _right;
        				_list = player nearEntities ["SurvivorBase",850];
        					_right lbAdd (name _x);
        				} forEach _list;
        				if(_list > _sel) then {
        					_right lbSetCurSel _sel;
        				_right ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
        				_right ctrlCommit 0;
        		loadMenu = {
        			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        			systemChat "Hellitself Loading GUI...";
        			createDialog "RscConfigEditor_Main";
        			waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 3030)};
        			sleep 0.1;
        			_display = (findDisplay 3030);
        			_background = _display displayCtrl -1;
        			_background ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5];
        			_background ctrlCommit 0;
        			_title = _display displayCtrl 3;
        			_title ctrlSetText "";
        			[_title] spawn {
        				_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        				_ctrl = _this select 0;
        				_increasing = true;
        				_count = 0;
        				while{!isNull findDisplay(3030)} do {
        					_ctrl ctrlsettextcolor [random 1,random 1, random 1,1];
        					_ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
        					sleep 0.1;
        			_title ctrlSetPosition [safezoneX+safeZoneH/2, safezoneY-safezoneh/2.1, safezonew, safezoneh];
        			_title ctrlCommit 0;
        			_left = _display displayctrl 1;
        			_left ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "LBSelChanged";
        			_left ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "LBDblClick";
        			_left ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "MouseButtonDown";
        			_left ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown";
        			_left ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBDblClick","_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil ""_fnc_scriptName"") then {""Functions Init""} else {_fnc_scriptName};(_this select 1) spawn dbClicked;"];
        			_left ctrlCommit 0;
        			[] spawn loadmain;
        			[] spawn {
    					while{!isNull findDisplay(3030)} do {
    						[] spawn refreshPlayers;
        					sleep 15;
        			systemChat "Hellitself Menu Ready!";
    		['Menus'] call {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
         		menuheader = [
        			["-- Main Menu --",loadmain,false,"",""],
        			["-- Target Menu --",loadtarget,false,"",""],
        			["-- Item ESP Menu --",loadmagnet,false,"",""]
        		menumain = [
        			["Unrestrain Yourself",unrestrain,false,"",""],
        			["DUPE PLAYER BODY",dupebody,false,"",""],
        			["Bowen Executer",executer,false,"",""],
        			["Player ESP",dayz_esp_2,true,"dayz_esp_toggle",""],
        			["Zombie ESP",dayz_esp_3,true,"dayz_esp_toggle_z",""],
        			["Super Punch(~)",super_punch,true,"super_punch_toggle",""],
        			["Super Punch gernade(~)",super_punch_gernade,true,"super_punch_toggle_gernade",""],
        			["Removed Dayzed Effect",remove_dayzed,true,"remove_dayzed_toggle",""],
        			["Remove Rain Check",remove_rainCheck,true,"remove_rainCheck_toggle",""],
        			["Hide Buildings",hidebuildings,true,"toggle_13",""],
        			["No Collide",nocollide,true,"toggle_4",""],
        			["Fire Trail",firetrail,true,"toggle_12",""],
                            ["                ",nothing,true,"",""],
        			["No Grass",removegrass,true,"toggle_5",""],
        			["No Recoil",lysticrecoil,true,"toggle_10",""],
        			["Fast Shoot",fastshoot,true,"toggle_8",""],
        			["Infinite Ammo",infammo,true,"toggle_3",""],
                            ["                ",nothing,true,"",""],
                            ["                ",nothing,true,"",""],
        		menutarget = [
        			["Add To Whitelist",addwhitelist,false,"","target"],
        			["Remove From Whitelist",remwhitelist,false,"","target"],
        			["Kill Target",killtarget,false,"","target"],
                            ["Kill Target v2",kplayer,false,"","target"],
                            ["Disarm Player",disarmp,false,"","target"],
                            ["KnockOut Player",knockOut,false,"","target"],
        		menumagnet = [
        			["All Item ESP",amagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Clothin ESP",cmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Attachment ESP",attachmentmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Item ESP",imagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Ammo ESP",ammomagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Weapon ESP",wmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Food & Drink ESP",fmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Medical ESP",mmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Tool ESP",tmagnet,false,"",""],
        			["Backpack ESP",bmagnet,false,"",""]
    		['Display Keybind'] call {
    			_fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        		(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",'
        		    _fnc_scriptName = if (isnil "_fnc_scriptName") then {"Functions Init"} else {_fnc_scriptName};
        		    if((_this select 1) == 211) then {
        	            if(isNull (findDisplay 3030)) then {
        	                [] spawn loadMenu;
    		hint parseText "Hellitself Menu Loaded<br/><t size='0.7'>press DELETE to start</t>";
    		systemChat "Hellitself Menu Injected!";
    		closedialog 0;
    	[] spawn _menu;
    			Initialize BIS functions
    private ["_this","_headerNoDebug","_headerSaveScriptMap","_headerLogScriptMap","_headerSystem","_debug","_headerDefault","_fncCompile","_recompile"];
    _headerNoDebug = "
    	_fnc_scriptNameParentTemp = if !(isnil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName} else {'%1'};
    	private ['_fnc_scriptNameParent'];
    	_fnc_scriptNameParent = _fnc_scriptNameParentTemp;
    	_fnc_scriptNameParentTemp = nil;
    	private ['_fnc_scriptName'];
    	_fnc_scriptName = '%1';
    	scriptname _fnc_scriptName;
    _headerSaveScriptMap = "
    	_fnc_scriptMapTemp = if !(isnil '_fnc_scriptMap') then {_fnc_scriptMap} else {[]};
    	private ['_fnc_scriptMap'];
    	_fnc_scriptMap = _fnc_scriptMapTemp + [_fnc_scriptName];
    	_fnc_scriptMapTemp = nil;
    _headerLogScriptMap = "
    	_this call {
    		private '_fnc_scriptMapText';
    		_fnc_scriptMapText = '';
    			_fnc_scriptMapText = _fnc_scriptMapText + ' >> ' + _x;
    		} foreach _fnc_scriptMap;
    		textlogformat ['%2',_fnc_scriptMapText,_this];
    _headerSystem = "
    	private ['_fnc_scriptNameParent'];
    	_fnc_scriptNameParent = if !(isnil '_fnc_scriptName') then {_fnc_scriptName} else {'%1'};
    	scriptname '%1';
    _headerNone = "";
    _debug = uinamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_initFunctions_debugMode",0];
    _headerDefault = switch _debug do {
    	default {
    	case 1: {
    		_headerNoDebug + _headerSaveScriptMap
    	case 2: {
    		_headerNoDebug + _headerSaveScriptMap + _headerLogScriptMap
    _fncCompile = {
    	private ["_fncVar","_fncMeta","_fncPath","_fncHeader","_fncExt","_header","_debugMessage"];
    	_fncVar = _this select 0;
    	_fncMeta = _this select 1;
    	_fncPath = _fncMeta select 0;
    	_fncExt = _fncMeta select 1;
    	_fncHeader = _fncMeta select 2;
    	switch _fncExt do {
    		case ".sqf": {
    			_header = switch (_fncHeader) do {
    				case -1: {
    				case 1: {
    				default {
    			_debugMessage = "Log: [Functions]%1 | %2";
    			compile (
    				format [_header,_fncVar,_debugMessage] + preprocessfilelinenumbers _fncPath
    		case ".fsm": {
    			compile format ["_this execfsm '%1';",_fncPath];
    		default {0}
    if (isnil "_this") then {_this = [];};
    if (typename _this != typename []) then {_this = [_this];};
    _recompile = if (count _this > 0) then {_this select 0} else {0};
    if (typename _recompile == typename "") exitwith {
    	private ["_fnc","_fncMeta","_headerType","_var"];
    	_fnc = uinamespace getvariable _recompile;
    	if !(isnil "_fnc") then {
    		_fncMeta = _recompile call (uinamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_functionMeta");
    		_headerType = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {0};
    		_var = [_recompile,[_recompile,_fncMeta,_headerType] call _fncCompile];
    		uinamespace setvariable _var;
    		missionnamespace setvariable _var;
    		if (isnil "_functions_listRecompile") then {
    			textlogformat ["Log: [Functions]: %1 recompiled with meta %2",_recompile,_fncMeta];
    	} else {
    		_fncError = uinamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_error";
    		if !(isnil "_fncError") then {
    			["%1 is not a function.",_recompile] call _fncError;
    		} else {
    			textlogformat ["Log: [Functions]: ERROR: %1 is not a function.",_recompile];
    private ["_functions_list","_functions_listForced","_functions_listForcedStart","_functions_listRecompile","_file","_cfgSettings","_listConfigs","_recompileNames"];
    _functions_list = uinamespace getvariable ["bis_functions_list",[]];
    _functions_listForced = uinamespace getvariable ["bis_functions_listForced",[]];
    _functions_listForcedStart = [];
    _functions_listRecompile = uinamespace getvariable ["bis_functions_listRecompile",[]];
    if (typename _recompile != typename 1) then {
    	_recompile = if (count _functions_list > 0) then {3} else {0};
    if (_recompile == 0 && !isnil {missionnamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_init"}) exitwith {};
    if (_recompile == 0 && !isnil {uinamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_init"}) then {_recompile = 3;};
    _file = gettext (configfile >> "cfgFunctions" >> "file");
    _cfgSettings = [
    	[	configfile,		_file,		1	],	
    	[	campaignconfigfile,	"functions",	0	],	
    	[	missionconfigfile,	"functions",	0	]	
    _listConfigs = switch _recompile do {
    	case 0: {
    	case 1: {
    		_functions_list = [];
    		uinamespace setvariable ["bis_functions_list",_functions_list];
    		_functions_listForced = [];
    		uinamespace setvariable ["bis_functions_listForced",_functions_listForced];
    		_functions_listRecompile = [];
    		uinamespace setvariable ["bis_functions_listRecompile",_functions_listRecompile];
    	case 2: {
    	case 3: {
    for "_t" from 0 to (count _listConfigs - 1) do {
    	private ["_cfg","_pathConfig","_pathFile","_pathAccess","_cfgFunctions"];
    	_cfg = _cfgSettings select (_listConfigs select _t);
    	_pathConfig = _cfg select 0;
    	_pathFile = _cfg select 1;
    	_pathAccess = _cfg select 2;
    	_cfgFunctions = (_pathConfig >> "cfgfunctions");
    	for "_c" from 0 to (count _cfgFunctions - 1) do {
    		private ["_currentTag"];
    		_currentTag = _cfgFunctions select _c;
    		if (isclass _currentTag) then {
    			private ["_requiredAddons","_requiredAddonsMet"];
    			_requiredAddons = getarray (_currentTag >> "requiredAddons");
    			_requiredAddonsMet = true;
    				_requiredAddonsMet = _requiredAddonsMet && isclass (configfile >> "CfgPatches" >> _x);
    			} foreach _requiredAddons;
    			if (_requiredAddonsMet) then {
    				private ["_tagName","_itemPathRag"];
    				_tagName = gettext (_currentTag >> "tag");
    				if (_tagName == "") then {_tagName = configname _currentTag};
    				_itemPathTag = gettext (_currentTag >> "file");
    				for "_i" from 0 to (count _currentTag - 1) do {
    					private ["_currentCategory"];
    					_currentCategory = _currentTag select _i;
    					if (isclass _currentCategory) then {
    						private ["_categoryName","_itemPathCat"];
    						_categoryName = configname _currentCategory;
    						_itemPathCat = gettext (_currentCategory >> "file");
    						for "_n" from 0 to (count _currentCategory - 1) do {
    							private ["_currentItem"];
    							_currentItem = _currentCategory select _n;
    							if (isclass _currentItem) then {
    								private ["_itemName","_itemPathItem","_itemExt","_itemPath","_itemVar","_itemCompile","_itemForced","_itemForcedStart","_itemRecompile","_itemCheatsEnabled"];
    								_itemName = configname _currentItem;
    								_itemPathItem = gettext (_currentItem >> "file");
    								_itemExt = gettext (_currentItem >> "ext");
    								_itemForced = getnumber (_currentItem >> "forced");
    								_itemForcedStart = getnumber (_currentItem >> "forcedStart");
    								_itemRecompile = getnumber (_currentItem >> "recompile");
    								_itemCheatsEnabled = getnumber (_currentItem >> "cheatsEnabled");
    								if (_itemExt == "") then {_itemExt = ".sqf"};
    								_itemPath = if (_itemPathItem != "") then {_itemPathItem} else {
    									if (_itemPathCat != "") then {_itemPathCat + "\fn_" + _itemName + _itemExt} else {
    										if (_itemPathTag != "") then {_itemPathTag + "\fn_" + _itemName + _itemExt} else {""};
    								_itemHeader = getnumber (_currentItem >> "headerType");
    								if (_itemPath == "") then {_itemPath = _pathFile + "\" + _categoryName + "\fn_" + _itemName + _itemExt};
    								_itemVar = _tagName + "_fnc_" + _itemName;
    								_itemMeta = [_itemPath,_itemExt,_itemHeader,_itemForced,_itemRecompile,_categoryName];
    								_itemCompile = if (_itemCheatsEnabled == 0 || (_itemCheatsEnabled > 0 && cheatsEnabled)) then {
    									[_itemVar,_itemMeta,_itemHeader] call _fncCompile;
    								} else {
    								if (typename _itemCompile == typename {}) then {
    									if !(_itemVar in _functions_list) then {
    										private ["_namespaces"];
    										_namespaces = if (_pathAccess == 1) then {[uinamespace]} else {[missionnamespace]};
    											_x setvariable [
    											_x setvariable [
    												_itemVar + "_meta",
    										} foreach _namespaces;
    										if (_pathAccess == 1) then {_functions_list set [count _functions_list,_itemVar];};
    									if (_itemForced > 0) then {
    										if !(_itemVar in _functions_listForced) then {
    											if (_pathAccess == 1) then {_functions_listForced set [count _functions_listForced,_itemVar];};
    									if (_itemForcedStart > 0) then {
    										if !(_itemVar in _functions_listForcedStart) then {
    											if (_pathAccess == 1) then {_functions_listForcedStart set [count _functions_listForcedStart,_itemVar];};
    									if (_itemRecompile > 0) then {
    										if !(_itemVar in _functions_listRecompile) then {
    											if (_pathAccess == 1) then {_functions_listRecompile set [count _functions_listRecompile,_itemVar];};
    uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_functions_list",_functions_list];
    uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_functions_listForced",_functions_listForced];
    uinamespace setvariable ["BIS_functions_listRecompile",_functions_listRecompile];
    if (_recompile in [0,1,3]) then {
    	private ["_createShortcuts"];
    	_createShortcuts = getnumber (configfile >> "CfgFunctions" >> "createShortcuts") > 0;
    	if (_createShortcuts) then {
    			missionnamespace setvariable [_x,compile format ["_this call (uinamespace getvariable '%1');",_x]];
    		} foreach _functions_list;
    	} else {
    			missionnamespace setvariable [_x,uinamespace getvariable _x];
    		} foreach _functions_list;
    if (_recompile == 2) then {
    	if (isnull (finddisplay 0)) then {
    			["Executing %1 (start only)",_x] call bis_fnc_log;
    			_function = [] call (uinamespace getvariable _x);
    			uinamespace setvariable [_x + "_initStart",_function];
    		} foreach _functions_listForcedStart;
    if (_recompile == 3) then {
    	if (!isNil "bis_functions_mainscope") then {
    		private ["_test", "_test2"];
    		_test = bis_functions_mainscope setPos (position bis_functions_mainscope); if (isnil "_test") then {_test = false};
    		_test2 = bis_functions_mainscope playMove ""; if (isnil "_test2") then {_test2 = false};
    		if (_test || _test2) then {0 call (compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "DZ\functions\misc\fn_initCounter.sqf"))};
    		_x call bis_fnc_recompile;
    	} foreach _functions_listRecompile;
    		["Executing %1",_x] call bis_fnc_log;
    		_function = [] call (missionnamespace getvariable _x);
    		missionnamespace setvariable [_x + "_init",_function];
    	} foreach _functions_listForced;
    	missionnamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_init",true];
    if (_recompile in [0,1,2]) then {
    	uinamespace setvariable ["bis_fnc_init",true]
    _recompileNames = [
    	"ERROR: Autodetect failed",
    	"Core Only",
    	"Mission/Campaign Only"	
    ["Initialized: %1.",_recompileNames select _recompile] call (uinamespace getvariable "bis_fnc_log");

    this is my 1st release, stay tuned for more updates.

    *Note* this menu is tested on 0.54 and not been tested on other versions yet

    lystical <for the UI and some scripts>
    Hangender <scripts>
    Jun <scripts>
    mizzle <scripts>
    JME <scripts>
    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by Hellitself; 12-01-2015 at 09:31 PM.

  2. The Following 24 Users Say Thank You to Hellitself For This Useful Post:

    Dohaka (12-06-2015),drgonbattle (12-08-2015),Future7477 (02-13-2016),hamzaben (02-13-2016),hassanmutaz2002 (03-10-2017),hatrix (11-11-2017),JesusOO (02-27-2016),juana12 (12-05-2015),killer4k4 (02-23-2016),l33t187 (05-28-2016),marlo3 (12-10-2015),Milityy (12-01-2015),mrmanny61 (12-02-2015),NexT11cz (12-02-2015),nuttaphong68 (01-08-2016),qsdfqsdfqsdfhqsdfqsdfqsdf (12-07-2015),Rick_Aleksi (12-31-2015),roberttre17 (04-18-2016),sloppysamjunior (01-24-2016),soap12345 (12-02-2015),twisted1987 (12-07-2015),vFlyro (01-21-2016),Ware24 (12-03-2015),widelton (12-09-2015)

  3. #2
    intern4l's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    My Mood
    Next time just make an attachment with the file.

  4. #3
    Hellitself's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    mmmm, done ^_^

  5. #4
    Jun19972's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    My Mood
    Assuming your playing on cracked because most of this doesnt work no more and add a runonce in there helps to make you dont accidentally use the code twice ;D and its not Insane its Jun, plus its not necro for Mizzle
    What Comes with power comes great responsibility - Talkin about you NormenJay

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Jun19972 For This Useful Post:

    Mizzle420420 (12-01-2015)

  7. #5
    Hellitself's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    well, thx mr.jun :P
    i should've added that this menu works for 0.54 and i didnt test it on other versions.

  8. #6
    |Infinity|'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Most of the code here won't work any-more and whoever originally wrote this base could have done such a better job
    Last edited by |Infinity|; 12-02-2015 at 08:25 AM.

  9. #7
    Mizzle420420's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My Mood
    Quote Originally Posted by |Infinity| View Post
    Most of the code here won't work any-more and whoever originally wrote this base could have done such a better job
    This base is from Lystic but as far as I know Fonzy gave him most of it (probably just to troll him by giving him useless shit to see how long he would still use it).

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