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  1. #1
    illusionati's Avatar
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    Aug 2013

    [eBook] Take Full Control of Your Love Life - Get the Ladies You Dream Of *Cheap*


    Hi guys, as some of you may have already seen, I already posted a sales thread for my ebook [Life Above the Game] but this is a remade thread.

    I am selling it at a discounted price of $10 because I need the money due to personal life issues. So even if you don't buy, please support this thread and help me out! I've already sold copies to many of you and I appreciate your business.

    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

    Hi guys, illusionati here with a new and powerful
    ebook called Life Above the Game, about picking up and seducing women with ease.

    Do you want to be with that high school crush of yours?
    How about the cute woman at work?
    Have you ever wondered how some guys are always surrounded by women?
    Ever been told by a girl that they only like nice guys..yet realize only the jerks get the hot girls?
    Ever see a pretty girl that you wanted to get to know better but just didn't know what to say to make her like you?
    Do you find yourself wondering if girls even like you at all?
    Do you meet beautiful girls only to get restricted into the friendzone?
    Or maybe you just want more control over your love life and tired of feeling like others have better luck than you.

    Well you're about to turn your life around with this ebook.

    After many years of trial and error, countless rejections, and even a period of depression, I finally figured out the secret to dating and love.
    The techniques in this book are so powerful they will change your life. You don't have to live a life of envy and jealousy anymore. Be the guy everyone else only dreams about being.

    This is not the typical lame suggestions that you find all over the internet such as 'have confidence, be yourself, make her laugh, use a pickup line, etc' There is no bullshit or gimmicks in this book and everything can be applied immediately upon reading. The material in this book isn't found anywhere else so buy now! It's only an investment of a few dollars that will drastically change your life. You will end up thanking yourself later, since this will be one the greatest decisions you ever made.

    You can reply in this thread or contact me on Skype at xillusionati or an email at with questions.

    **I will be giving few vouch copies only to those I deem respectable and worthy**

    [Buy Now Only $10 Comes with Lifetime Skype Support and Free Updates]
    I will answer any questions and assist you in whatever situation you need help with by giving you legitimate advice.


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevboy'Slave View Post
    It was long and went through each thing in detail, as there were chapters for certain important parts. Really long and promising from what I saw.
    Quote Originally Posted by Astronaut. View Post
    Vouch Review

    Leech Rating (0/10): OP has his full name in there, custom borderlines around the article.

    Grammar (10/10): Although this eBook is 44 pages long, and I read every single word, I only caught one spelling error (it was a mis-typing of a word) which is pretty impressive. Sentences are well structured and deliver a sense of confidence, professionalism, and dedication to the subject at hand.

    Content (10/10): This eBook pretty much guarantees you to end up with either a date, a number, a kiss, sex, etc. OP wrote the book in a somewhat first person point-of-view while offering analytical advice and criticisms on certain situations. He will provide you with tips and tricks on how perform in pretty much any given situation and includes both personal and non-personal examples that he has experienced.

    Price (8/10): Although the price is perfectly set (come on people, the poor guy wrote 44+ of an EDITED eBook, I was told that the original reached about 90 pages), I highly recommend OP to lower the price to $7 for a few sales and slowly increase the price as more vouches and satisfied customers post reviews.

    Format (10/10): Extremely well formatted, the eBook has a custom template which also has vividly-colored red boxes which contain additional tips provided by OP which helps define terms or contributes to a specific area of the eBook. The template delivers a strong sense of professionalism and is clean so that there is no issues with attempting to read or make out words.

    Organization (10/10): OP organized everything into specific sections with a specific goal in each one and includes a table of contents alongside with labels of each chapter when we transition from chapter to chapter so that the reader knows that we are transitioning to a different subject. Multiple chapters intertwine with each other (meaning that they are all directed at one specific goal and add to each other) which is very nice.

    Highly recommend buying, it'll work no matter how ugly, lonely, desperate, fat, fugly, emo, suicidal, gay, rejected, fag, social outcast of a person you are. ( @AqworldThunder )
    Quote Originally Posted by Astronaut. View Post
    This eBook actually helped me out in quite a few ways, don't want to mention them since it might spoil the eBook. But it got me my valentine this year

    [Buy Now Only $10 Comes with Lifetime Skype Support and Free Updates]
    I will answer any questions and assist you in whatever situation you need help with by giving you legitimate advice.

  2. #2
    Ryzeros.'s Avatar
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    Over the rainbow
    My Mood
    Any vouch copies?

  3. #3
    illusionati's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by iOZ.Panda View Post
    Any vouch copies?
    Sorry vouch copies are already given out. You can buy it though its very worth the price.

  4. #4
    Gaydow's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    lol wtf is this ill give u some tips go pickup a prost off the street for $10 a hour done deal half the price of this.

  5. #5
    illusionati's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Timmy Turner View Post
    lol wtf is this ill give u some tips go pickup a prost off the street for $10 a hour done deal half the price of this.
    If that is the way you like to live your life then you have all the power to do so. But my ebook goes into the emotional and psychological aspects of socializing with women, aimed to teach men how to attract and keep their lovers..much deeper than just a paid encounter with a 'prost'.

    edit: if you read the op you would know the price is $10..
    Last edited by illusionati; 03-27-2014 at 07:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Gaydow's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by illusionati View Post
    If that is the way you like to live your life then you have all the power to do so. But my ebook goes into the emotional and psychological aspects of socializing with women, aimed to teach men how to attract and keep their lovers..much deeper than just a paid encounter with a 'prost'.

    edit: if you read the op you would know the price is $10..
    a quick bang is enough for me but w/e good book.

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