Popular computer game Minecraft is facing an investigation in Turkey following allegations that it’s too violent.

The country’s family and social policies minister, Aysenur Islam, voiced concern about Minecraft’s content after speaking with press outside Turkish parliament on Friday when a reporter suggested that it depicts violence against women and could promote aggression by awarding points for killing characters in the game. However, gaming experts say the investigation is unfounded.
With over one million players worldwide, Minecraft is often considered one of the less-violent games on the market compared to ones such as Halo and Call of Duty. It has been approved for children aged seven and older in most of Europe, and 10 and older in the United States.

“Minecraft is one of the last games I would think would be banned based on violent content,” says Jonathan Jordan, UK editor of Games™ Magazine.

Although players do have the ability to attack the ‘villager’ characters in the game, Jordan says that it is not something the game instructs you to do. He does not recall seeing blood in the game either.

“Minecraft is no more violent than the Lord of the Rings films,” he said. “There are swords, bows and arrows, but most of the attacking is against monsters and creatures rather than human beings.”

Rather than promote violence, Jordan argues that Minecraft actually encourages a different, more creative gaming experience. “If anything, Minecraft has pushed things the other way, giving players the power to create rather than fight,” he said.

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This is really stupid, if they're going to ban a Video Game, they should start with Call of Duty, or Battlefield.