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  1. #1
    HaHaItsJake's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Red face Trove Fishing Bot (AHK Background)

    HaHaItsJake Trove Fishing Bot v1.0.2
    You're Welcome!
    NOTE: This is against the terms and conditions of Trove. Using this script can get your banned! (Highly doubt it will). Since it is "Automated" and not a "real" person/thing controlling it. Blah Blah Blah..

    How to use:
    1. Download AHK (Might be AHK_L)

    2. Copy the following code into a new text doc

    3. Rename .txt to .ahk

    4. Double Click and a little green and white "H" is now in your task bar. (Might need to run as ADMIN)

    5. Press "NumPad 9" to Start running the script (NOTE: Trove Window needs to be active!!!)
    You can click away from it once the script is running. Tool Tip is added if it's in the background so you know. Once all lures are used, the script will stop. Buy more and hit Numpad 9 by the water.
    6. Alt+NumPad 9 will stop the bot

    7. NumPad7 Will close out of the script completely!

    NOTE: Any typing while the rod is reeling or casting, you'll need to click the dialog box again to continue typing(On some places, like notepad but on the forums here, it doesn't do that lol).
    I'm not sure if this will stop any character movement from another game while using the keyboard.


    SendMode Input
    CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
    SetTitleMatchMode, 3
    SetKeyDelay, 0, 2
    	WinGet, pidn, PID, A
    	pid := pidn
    	WinGet, hwnds, ID, A
    	Handle := hwnds
    	Break := 0
    	InputBox, Lure, Lure's, How many Lure's do you have in inventory?
    	LureCount := 0
    	Loop %Lure%
    		LureCount := LureCount +1
    		ControlSend, , {f down}, ahk_pid %pid%
    		Sleep, 86
    		ControlSend, , {f up}, ahk_pid %pid%
    		Catch := 0
    			If (Break = 1 or Catch = 1)
    				Base := getProcessBaseAddress()
    				pointerBase := base + 0x008E5360
    				y1 := ReadMemory(pointerBase)
    				y2 := ReadMemory(y1 + 0x20)
    				y3 := ReadMemory(y2 + 0x4)
    				y4 := y3 + 0x320
    				CameraY := ReadMemory(y4)
    				If (CameraY = 1)
    					ToolTips = 1
    					SetTimer, ToolTip, 500
    					ControlSend, , {f down}, ahk_pid %pid%
    					Sleep, 86
    					ControlSend, , {f up}, ahk_pid %pid%
    					Random, Wait, 2000, 3500
    					Sleep, %Wait%
    					Catch := 1
    					ToolTips = 0
    					SetTimer, ToolTip, 500
    					Sleep, 500
    	Break := 1
    	ToolTips = 2
    	SetTimer, ToolTip, 500
    	Break := 1
    	If (ToolTips = 0)
    		ToolTip, Waiting.. %LureCount%/%Lure% Lures used, 0, 0
    	Else If (ToolTips = 1)
    		ToolTip, Catching Fish! %LureCount%/%Lure% Lures used, 0, 0
    	Else If (ToolTips = 2)
    		ToolTip, !!All Lure's Have Been Used!!, 0, 0
    	Global Handle
    	return DllCall( A_PtrSize = 4
                                ? "GetWindowLong"
                                : "GetWindowLongPtr"
                            , "Ptr", Handle
                            , "Int", -6
                            , "Int64") ; Use Int64 to prevent negative overflow when AHK is 32 bit and target process is 64bit
         ; If DLL call fails, returned value will = 0
    	Global pid
    	ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "Int", 24, "Char", 0, "UInt", pid, "UInt")
    	;DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt",ProcessHandle,"UInt",MADDRESS,"Str",MVALUE,"UInt",4,"UInt *",0)
    	DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "Ptr", MADDRESS, "Ptr", &MVALUE, "Uint",4)
    	Loop 4
    		result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
    	return, result


    • Re-post on any other threads are fine, just link back here for credit and to let people know was the first release of this!
    • Customization is fine, that's the source code, have fun.
    • Updates may or MAY NOT come. My work load is busting over my desk onto my floor. (Legit - My desk may break at this point LOL).
    • If you want to take it over, you're welcome to just credit me for it please and thank you
    • I threw all this code together from my Mutliboxer and a few basic code files I had. There's a better process to do, but takes to long to re-code it for me right now. (You'll see 3 easy if you know anything about AHK)
    Last edited by HaHaItsJake; 04-03-2015 at 11:34 PM. Reason: Coding Error / Update ToolTip / v1.0.2
    Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
    Benjamin Franklin

  2. The Following 24 Users Say Thank You to HaHaItsJake For This Useful Post:

    38261146 (05-09-2016),Agrius (04-07-2015),blapanda (04-04-2015),blodsteken1 (10-16-2015),CyberstormXo (04-04-2015),darkpsivta (05-01-2018),Giloido (08-01-2015),giont565 (08-02-2015),homjak12 (12-05-2015),idanzairi302 (04-04-2015),L3chu (07-15-2015),maikelhega (09-22-2015),moon1shadow3 (04-03-2015),pt250 (06-30-2015),ragecrysux (04-03-2015),spoutgo123 (12-17-2016),stupidhealer (07-14-2015),Takeon (04-04-2015),woolychicken (04-04-2015),XeNoxT (08-09-2015),xRobertcikx (07-28-2015),xx1987 (01-21-2017),yoyoemmy (04-04-2015),YTKaser (04-21-2017)

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