So, I've been having ALOT of problems with these CS:GO Hacks that have been posted recently. Mostly the PolyHacks!

I got Merccy's PolyLoader Recently, and wanted to try out one of the poly hacks. I was going to post this in the comment section of Merccy's PolyHack, but it's most likely not going to get a reply.

Merccy has a video of showing how to USE the PolyLoader, but the ONE problem I have, is with VS12. (Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 2013) As it's SUPPOSED to automatically select the VC/bin folder, and compiler. But this doesn't happen. I even tried to do it manually, the VC Folder IS there, but not the Bin folder? I don't know what to do from here.

Below here will be ALL Screenshots, of the polyloader and VS12 Folder.

If you can help in any way, I would be greatly thankful!