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    Phalanx|'s Avatar
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    Problem to understand execution of payload (shellcode)

    Hello there,

    I know that there are lot of (good) tutorials regarding this topic, but after reading them, I really cant follow their thoughts (e.g.: Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit):

    The problem is that we don't know where in the memory space of the program we are trying to exploit the code (and the string that follows it) will be placed. One way around it is to use a JMP, and a CALL instruction. The JMP and CALL instructions can use IP relative addressing, which means we can jump to an offset from the current IP without needing to know the exact address of where in memory we want to jump to.
    Given the following "crackme" (this example is used as demo, you can skip it and read the question below):

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    void funktion(char *args) {
        char buffer[250];
        strcpy(buff, args);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        if (argc > 1)
            printf("Kein Argument!\n");
        return 0;
    Target: I want to execute a very basic shellcode within that process.

    Vulnerability: Classical potential Stack-Bufferoverflow, due to misuse of strcpy(...).

    Required Information:

    (gdb) info frame 0
    Stack frame at 0xffffd300:
     eip = 0x8048449 in funktion (stack_bof2.c:7); saved eip = 0x8048474
     called by frame at 0xffffd330
     source language c.
     Arglist at 0xffffd2f8, args: args=0xffffd575 "A"
     Locals at 0xffffd2f8, Previous frame's sp is 0xffffd300
     Saved registers:
      ebp at 0xffffd2f8, eip at 0xffffd2fc
    (gdb) print/x &buffer
    $1 = 0xffffd1f6
    • The buffer starts at 0xffffd1f6.
    • The Return Iinstruction Pointer (RIP) is located at 0xffffd2fc.
    • The offset of the RIP from the buffer's first element is 262 bytes.

    Methodical Approach:

    1. The RIP has to be overwritten with buffers first element's address 0xffffd1f6.
    2. The shellcode has to be placed in the buffer location and should not exceed a length of 261 bytes, because from the 262th byte on, the RIP is being overwritten.[/LIST]

    Question: I don't know why all sources state that we don't know where in the memory space of the program we are trying to exploit the code. I mean, I know it. It's obviously the buffer, where the shellcode is placed in. So the RIP has to point to it. No JMP, CALL and relative addressing...

    Downloadlink of the crackme.
    Last edited by Phalanx|; 10-05-2015 at 02:14 PM.

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