Rightio, I assume most of you know about editing WarRock packets with WPE PRO and using them to get Auto-Heal, P90, Ak-47 Etc. Here are just some intresting stuff that i dug up....

If you read https://www.warrock.net and go to Game Info -> Items and if you check some of them they say stuff like: Useable by: Medic, Slot: 4 etc. etc.
Have you noticed in-game Military Engineers dont have Grenades? On warrock.net it says Grenades: Useable by ALL Class. Military Engineer: Slot 5...Military Engineers dont have a slot 5 so i was thinking, Damn maybe you could packet edit slot 5 and slam in grenades? that would be cool, Im gonna do some experiments, Because according to warrock.net Medic and engineer should have grenades in slot 5, but we dont! So normall we'd get that error if we tried to packet edit somthing to slot 5 that shouldnt be there, but what if it SHOULd be there but isnt implemented at the moment AKA we could get greandes in slot 5 by Packet editing...


EDIT: Also Anti-Tank cant use Grenades.