Thanks for making me cash
Thanks for making me laugh
Thanks for making me cry
Thanks for making me sigh
Some members are yummy
Some members are bummy
Some member are even scummy
Rain or shine, you'll find me online
I search, and I search, oh where will I find,
The things I need to get you off my mind
When days are down, or I'm feeling blue
The only one who can cheer me up is you
Your background is white, your header is blue
Just so you know @Dave84311, I love you
All in all, I'm enjoying myself
I must go wank one, onto my back shelf
Good night one and all, I hope you sleep well
This is the end of this poem, no more words to tell
No more rhymes for me to sing. I must get the phone, I hear a ring
Oh wait, I am hearing things, I seem to be going deaf
I have no life, as I write this here poem, don't fucking diss, this shit don't be slowin'
Fire poem, fire lyrics, fire rap, fire spirits. DONEZO WASHINGTON. Peace

NOTE: Please read this poem in the voice of Dr. Seuss for added effect (Feel free to improvise the tone of the last two lines). Thank you.