I try to make a fps unlocker for call of duty ghost but i got this error meassage : 'constant expression not representable in type 'integer''

vb.net source code:

Public Class Form1

Dim a As New WriterClass
Dim t As New WriterClass
Private Sub LdThemeGhost1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LdThemeGhost1.Click
End Sub
Private Sub LdTrackBarBlue1_Scroll(sender As Object) Handles LdTrackBarBlue1.Scroll
a.WriteFloat(a.ReadInteger64(&H1419AB640) + &HC, (LdTrackBarBlue1.Value))
Label1.Text = "" &
Format(LdTrackBarBlue1.Value, "#.")
End Sub

End Class

'Thx to help me and tell me how can i fix it ...'