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  1. #1
    FxOxAxD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    PUBG AHK Helper [Official]

    Ok someone stole my source from ****** and posted it here as his without any credits or thanks, just deleted my credits... any way, now it's already improved.

    Some ahk scripts to make PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS more confortable to play.
    ADS (Fast Aiming), CrouchJump, AutoFire and Compensation.

    ; PUBG Helper by FxOxAxD [Ver: 0.95]
    ToolTip("PUBG Helper by FxOxAxD [Ver: 0.95]")
    ;#     Configuration     #
    #NoEnv ; Improves performance and compatibility with future AHK updates.
    #SingleInstance force ; It allows to run only one at the same time.
    SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Matching for window title.
    #ifwinactive, PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ; enabled only when in PUBG.
    ;#     Variables     #
    isMouseShown() ; To suspend script when mouse is visible.
    ADS = 0 ; Var for fast aiming.
    CrouchJump = 1 ; Var for crouch when jumping.
    AutoFire = 0 ; Var for autofiring.
    Compensation = 1 ; Var for compensation when autofiring.
    compVal = 8 ; Compensation value. (Default: 8, optimal for short/mid range)
    ;#     Suspends if mouse is visible     #
    isMouseShown() ; It suspends the script when mouse is visible (map, inventory, menu).
      StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16
      VarSetCapacity(InfoStruct, StructSize)
      NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct)
      DllCall("GetCursorInfo", UInt, &InfoStruct)
      Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8)
      if Result > 1
        Return 1
        Return 0
      if isMouseShown() ==1
        Suspend On
        Suspend Off
        Sleep 1
    ;#     Fast Aiming     #
    *RButton:: ; Fast Aiming
    if ADS = 1
    { ; If enabled, clicks once and clicks again when button is released.
      SendInput {RButton}
      SendInput {RButton Down}
      KeyWait, RButton
      SendInput {RButton Up}
    } else { ; If not, just keeps holding until button is released.
      SendInput {RButton Down}
      KeyWait, RButton
      SendInput {RButton Up}
    ;#     CrouchJump     #
    if CrouchJump = 1
      KeyWait, Space, T0.08
      If ErrorLevel = 1  ; If Space is holding then jumps and crouch.
        SendInput {Space}{c down}
        Sleep 500 ; And keeps crouching 0.5 seconds to improve the jump.
        SendInput {c up}
      } else { ; Else just jumps.
        SendInput {Space}
    } else
      SendInput {Space}
    ;#     AutoFire     #
    ~$*LButton:: ; AutoFire
    If GetKeyState("RButton") ; Only works while holding aim (so you'll be able to throw grenades)
      if (AutoFire = 1 || Compensation = 1)
      	Loop ; If AutoFire or Compensation are activated loops this section.
            Sleep 1
          	GetKeyState, LButton, LButton, P
          	if LButton = U ; If Left Click is released then breaks the loop.
              If AutoFire = 1 ; If enabled keeps clicking.
            	  MouseClick, Left,,, 1
              if Compensation = 1 ; If enabled, call to Compensation.
                mouseXY(0, compVal)
            ; Gosub, RandomSleep ; Call to RandomSleep. (Currently unstable)
            Sleep 25
    RandomSleep: ; Random timing between clicks, just in case.
      Random, random, 14, 25
      Sleep %random%-5
    ;#     Compensation     #
    mouseXY(x,y) ; Moves the mouse down to compensate recoil (value in compVal var).
    ;#     ToolTip     #
    ToolTip(Text) ; Function to show a tooltip when activating, deactivating or changing values.
      activeMonitorInfo(X, Y, Width, Height) ; Get current resolution
      xPos := Width / 2 - 50
      yPos := Height / 2 + (Height / 10)
      ToolTip, %Text%, xPos, yPos ; Tooltips are shown under crosshair.
      SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 1300 ; Removes tooltip after 1.3 seconds.
      SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
    ;#     Hotkeys to change values     #
    ; Toggles
    	if (A_IsSuspended)
    		ToolTip("SCRIPT OFF")
    	} else
    		ToolTip("SCRIPT ON")
    *XButton2::( ADS = 0 ? (ADS := 1,ToolTip("ADS ON")) : (ADS := 0,ToolTip("ADS OFF")) ) ; ADS Toggle
    *NumPadDot::( Compensation = 0 ? (Compensation := 1,ToolTip("Compensation ON")) : (Compensation := 0,ToolTip("Compensation OFF")) ) ; Compensation Toggle
    *NumPad0::( CrouchJump = 0 ? (CrouchJump := 1,ToolTip("CrouchJump ON")) : (CrouchJump := 0,ToolTip("CrouchJump OFF")) ) ; CrouchJump Toggle
    ~CapsLock:: ; AutoFire Toggle
    if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","t")=0)
      AutoFire = 0
      ToolTip("AutoFire OFF")
    } else if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","t")=1) {
      AutoFire = 1
      ToolTip("AutoFire ON")
    *NumpadAdd:: ; Adds compensation.
      compVal := compVal + 2
      ToolTip("Compensation " . compVal)
    *NumpadSub:: ; Substracts compensation.
    if compVal > 0
      compVal := compVal - 2
      ToolTip("Compensation " . compVal)
    ;#     Get Resolution     #
    activeMonitorInfo( ByRef X, ByRef Y, ByRef Width,  ByRef  Height  )
    { ; Retrieves the size of the monitor, the mouse is on
    	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
    	MouseGetPos, mouseX , mouseY
    	SysGet, monCount, MonitorCount
    	Loop %monCount%
        { 	SysGet, curMon, Monitor, %a_index%
            if ( mouseX >= curMonLeft and mouseX <= curMonRight and mouseY >= curMonTop and mouseY <= curMonBottom )
    				X      := curMonTop
    				y      := curMonLeft
    				Height := curMonBottom - curMonTop
    				Width  := curMonRight  - curMonLeft

    You need Auto Hotkey to run this script, once installed, download pubg-ahk-helper.ahk and you should be able to run it.

    Please set Screen Mode to Window or Windowed Fullscreen, it wont work on FullScreen.

    It'll show you a tooltip under your crosshair whenever you enable/disable or change a value of a module. Tooltips are working for all resolutions.

    You can toggle Pause/Play script with Pause Button (Yes, there is a button for that) Although it only works if PUBG is your active window and the cursor is not visible (e.g. inventory, map... so you can drag items, mark locations, etc)

    ADS (Fast Aiming)

    You'll be able to aim from the ads while holding right click instead of clicking twice. If enabled, clicks once and clicks again when button is released. If not, just keeps holding until button is released.
    [Toggle: Mouse 5 Button]

    Crouch Jump

    Crouch jumping, aka super jump, before you had to press Space and C exactly at the same time, that makes it quite difficult... With this script you can jump normally with single Space press, and super jump if you press and hold Space. So, single press = normal jump, hold space = super jump. Also keeps crouching 0.5 seconds to improve the jump. This will be useful at least until vaulting is released.
    [Toggle: NumPad 0]


    It'll allow you to shot in Full Auto mode for all semi automatic weapons (e.g. M16, SKS, Mini-14 and Pistols) Only works while holding aim (holding right click) so you'll be able to throw grenades.
    [Toggle: CapsLock]


    Moves the mouse down to compensate recoil, by default is set to 8, which is optimal for short/mid range. Also it only works while holding aim, to allow you throw grenades properly.
    [Toggle: NumPad Dot]
    [Adds Compensation: NumPad +]
    [Substracts Compensation: NumPad -]


    Thanks to TheRagingWampa for AutoFire Script


    V0.95: Fixed AutoFire issue when ADS is enabled.

    v0.94: Improved CrouchJump (single space press to jump, keep holding to crouchjump)

    v0.90: Added Suspend toggle Improved ToolTips (all resolutions are now available) Improved Toggles Fixed problem when throwing grenades

    v0.82: Added ToolTips under crosshair Improved AutoFire module (compensation no longer needs to be called inside autofire)

    v0.80: First Release Added ADS module Added CrouchJump module Added AutoFire module Added Compensation module Added toggles to enable/disable modules
    <b>Downloadable Files</b> Downloadable Files
    Last edited by T-800; 10-12-2017 at 09:26 AM.

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