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    austo123's Avatar
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    Post How to Add Custom Items to your client and dat(#)

    Since I didn't see a Tut on this and noticed it causing people a lot of problems I've decided to make this tutorial
    this is my first tutorial so don't be too harsh

    Things you'll need: Working Server this should work on most sources[Not Tested]
    A working client and the source code[If you don't know what this is look for AS3 client or 27.7.X2 on here]
    I'm using FSOD as that's the one I'm building my server off of

    First Step:
    First you'll want to create a custom item This is the most self explanatory thing so I assume you can do this on your own

    Second Step:
    Next you'll want to add a id to your item try to keep the number under 20000 as if it goes to high it will cause the item to stay an art block add this item to one of your XMLs (Default) is Dat1

    EX:<Object type="0x2511" id="Prism">

    Third Step:
    Alright now that you've created an item you'll need to add it to your client so you can see it in your character screen. To do so open up the .project with a program that works I'm using Intelij as it's free for a month

    Fourth Step:
    Go to src\kabam\rotmg\assets You'll want to scroll down till you see EmbeddedData NOT to be confused with EmbeddedAssets Now under that you'll see a few files ending with CXML there you'll find a file called EquipCXML under that click EquipCXML.dat. You should see something similar to your dat1 file in your server copy everything from dat1 to EquipCXML.dat Rebuild your Client and give yourself the item if you did everything right you should be able to see it in your character screen.

    Bonus Step:
    Now this is something you can do which if you find interesting you can do Remember the File EmbeddedData if you open it up you can see that it references all the CXMLs in your src you can add another one in there by copy pasting one of the references and replacing the name with your own,
    You'll also want to go to new objects that's where you'll add your new file to aswell this is pretty self explanitory but thought i'd include it

    I hope this Tutorial helps with your servers and helps to clear up some issues you might have, if you need help just post it down below i'll do what I can to help.
    Last edited by austo123; 03-12-2018 at 06:26 PM. Reason: These Typos my god

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