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    Allura's Avatar
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    Need diet for losing fat and gaining muscle/defining body

    Body fat: 21.1% (1 week ago it was 22.3%, I didn't measure it 2 weeks ago).
    Weight: Not sharing. Though I am not overweight, not skinny either. I am inbetween. Lost 1.4kg (3 pounds) in 2 weeks so far.
    Height: Not sharing
    Belly: Probs average amount. Don't have a beer belly/round. Its just a tiny bit round, you couldn't tell if I wore a slime fit t-shirt. Deff not flat enough for visible abs.
    Biggest area of fat: I feel my thighs have the MOST fat, then belly, then a lil on my arms/forearms
    Biggest Issue: I feel like I don't have a lot of energy and my stomach is always growling and farting (yes I know its gross). Just tryna improve myself.

    Current routine (been doing for about 2 weeks):
    • Breakfast = Oats (150g) with milk + 1 Banana
    • Lunch = Chicken + quinoa + salad OR tuna + 1 egg
    • Dinner = Chicken + quinoa + salad
    • Workout 4 times a week (mostly running/jogging for 30 mins). Recently started working upper body. Don't take any pre-workout or post workout meals/drinks

    Main aesthetic goal:
    • V shaped upper body
    • Strong looking forearms (veiny etc)
    • Biceps big enough to make my t-shirts sleeve's be almost skin tight.
    • Legs (not too much of my concern. My legs aren't skinny. So it wouldn't even look weird if I had a bigger upper body). But still won't minding working it out. Not a big concern though

    Health wise:
    I'm fairly healthy already. I didn't eat too much junk prior to my fitness journey. I'd say my biggest "bad habit" was rice. Every meal I had, had rice (50% of the time brown rice, 50% white rice)

    I want to work out to make my body look like the pic below. Maybe a little less buff than he is. Maybe a lil less defined (because I know body fat has to be super low for defined body parts) I don't want to be super buff.

    Tips for meal plan and working out? Too much info on the internet, don't know how to even start.
    Last edited by Allura; 05-06-2019 at 06:45 AM.
    I barely use MPGH IM, Send me a private message to reach me faster!
    Also I currently don't sell anything!

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